Another reason why dogs rule

i got a chocolate lab that i wouldnt trade for the world. He’ll kick me and my brothers ass but hes very gentle around everyone else and knows that hes not aloud to play rough with neone except me or my bro. Ill post some pics tommorow.

Dogs are great. I’ve had my shepherd/husky mix for 15years now. Hes at the point where he isnt the most friendly because of his age but hes a really smart dog in his old age.

God I can’t wait to move out and get a dog :slight_smile:


ahhhhhhh yes

that is awesome, i absolutely love the instincts of dogs.

I cannot fucking wait until my dog is full grown and not acting like a puppy anymore. Hes gonna be a great dog. Hes smart as hell already.

thats how my friends dog is, her dog barks and goes crazy whenever i come over, he will bite the back of my ankles when i walk away, the baby slaps the dog in the face grabs its lips and the dog just walks away, whenever i am playing with the baby it will usually stand right in the middle of us protecting her. I think its amazing but i still hate the dog

ive got a 3 y/o, and a 1 y/o and a ~9 month old lab.

the 1 y/o shares his food, and can take anything he wants from her…
he likes to lay on her, try to ride her, etc…

anyone else spot the irony?



I love my dog he is shepard/rottie I’ll get some pictures today.
I honestly have to say he is way more smart then I thought any dog could be.
We have a rear deck, which has a latched door; It took him maybe until he was one year to figure out he could use his nose to open the latch and his paw to pull open the door. He wouldn’t even run away, he would just go sit in the grass under a tree. I’d hear this noise at the side door and it will be him sitting there pawing at the door to come back inside.

He is nice to anyone we let in, but I know he will maul anyone that walks into our house.
He is about 10 y/o now and is getting a little grumpy, but I think everyone does in older age.

When my motortrend comes in I will lay on the floor to read and he will come and lay right up against me. He is awesome.


My dog dislikes Democrats. He doesn’t have a problem with Jews. Hopefully my daughter will turn out the same.


Raise them right, and they are great.

We bring ours over to visit with the wife’s family. 7 kids from 17yr dwn to 2yrs. 65lb 7mo old shepard gets a hell of a workout, but is never agressive with any of the little ones. Only when invited to wrestle by the bigger boys (14 & 16).

And, uh, yeah… ours is dropping her undercoat. I brushed out what could easily amount to an entire 5lb maltese. Hardwood floors means sweeping almost daily.

although my brothers cat his wife got it is pretty much a dog. that is the best way i can discribe it. then they have a pet rat…i mean pug, and they are thinking of getting a weiner dog.

do him a favor, send him this link.

I want a Boxer so bad. If anybody knows of any boxer pups, let me know.

i think i’ll pass on that! in other news my brother pug hates mrs. bill clinton’s laugh. i never saw her do it but she gets down on her hunches and growls.

German Shepard’s are my absolute favorite. I’ve been waiting years (seriously) to get one. I like them so much, I haven’t got one just yet because I work too much and feel awful for leaving him or her at home all day, though as of Friday, that will change, so I know what I’m buying myself for X-Mas :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Spring time I’m going to get myself a dog… already looking for breeders and trying to get on puppy lists…

Not that easy to find good Bullmastiff breeders though.

Here’s where I got mine:

Seriously, think about it. Maybe it’s just the owners projecting their own feelings, but rescue dogs always seem to “know.”

Fawn (my mutt) was probably about 1 1/2 years old when I got her. When the shelter got her she was skin & bones and pregnant. Most likely a stray that someone grabbed and tossed at a shelter in Ohio. Joyful Rescues got a van load of dogs the day mine was supposed to be put down, let her have her puppies, nursed her back to health while she nursed her pups, adopted out her puppies, got her healthy enough to get fixed, then I got her. True story.

god, bullmastiffs freaking rule.

if I remember correctly, Minglor has an english mastiff and has said something in the past about knowing breeders. maybe he can recommend a bullmastiff breeder?

this is just what i remember reading on here