Another Street Racing Accident

They did, kinda

Why in the fuck would you run out into a highway in a cloud of smoke in the dark? That’s just fucking stupid.

Even if the other car had its lights on, there was still probably 0 chance of this being avoided on his part. This is what is referred to as “cleansing of the gene pool”.

Natural Selection FTMFW!

:rofl: !

Nevermind me, just ROFLing through…

as was previously stated:

Street Racing is not dangerous.

Idiots Street Racing is dangerous.

Idiots running out into a road with cars coming is dangerous.

im not disagreeing with you , but in the same respect , i got hit at last year on my 636 and the lady who hit me crossed 4 lanes of traffic pulling out of a beer dist. , she totalled my bike and put me in the hospital for a month and put me 87g’s in debt for hospital bills, and she says it wasnt her fault, she didnt see me…I WAS ON A LIME GREEN BIKE DOIN UNDER 45 mph leaving a stop light ON A STRAIGHTAWAY!!! witness’s say she was doin over 55, and she had kids in her car , oh and she cut off a fire truck , but i got the careless driving ticket and my license suspended bc i was young the cop said , he said dont try to ruin a older ladys life with children…

so yes , you are right , IDIOTS are dangerous , racing or not.

if the car didnt have thier lights on then they are at fault , but who in their right mind doesnt slow down when there is a large cloud of smoke

they shouldnt have been street racing, but the person driving the crown vic was obviously speeding well over the limit , look at the car , if they werent speeding maybe less people would have died , but then again if the people watching the race wernt in the street maybe it could have all been avoided…but its not like you can exactly miss 50 PEOPLE STANDING THERE!!

when you get your license , or go to court for a ticket to fight it, they tell you that you are 100% responsible for your actions and control of your vehicle…


i have had many friends and family die , a few from stupid mistakes of their own and even more from mistakes of other people…

and its even more horrible that the familys of the deceased will not get much if anything from the insurance company of the person who hit those people…i doubt they get enough to cover the funeral costs

ok , im finished …please dont anyone be offended or mad about the things i said , its only my thought / opinion / experience’s

stupid people doing stupid things = bad things happen.

There have been plenty of things that I’ve done that could have landed me in the morgue, but thankfully it never happened. But pushing the limits and being fucking retarded are two different things. This situation sounds like the latter.

all of the illegal street races I’ve been to/participated in were conducted under very safe and controlled conditions, much unlike most of the ones you see on the internets where you have spectators just feet off the road from where two cars are blowing by at 100+ mph. If you do shit like that, you’re really asking for it.

Are you and Spektator friends :itr41:

i agree with you , and i also have done many stupid things and luckily nothing bad became of the things i did…

and as far as people standing on the side of the road as cars fly by at 100+, thats dumb…

and i have been to many of races that are safe and people do block off the roads and so on. but even that anything can happen to anyone on the side of the road…

who is Spektator? why did you ask that?


The awww is strong with these two…:rofl:

You guys like that? :rofl:

You guys like that? :rofl: