Answer this question without Google (Creative thinkers enter)


srsly, can I get a self imposed vacation?

Have fun :frowning:

don’t worry I skimmed through it and recognized a few

But, 2 buckets:1 cup - are the buckets the same size?

2 buckets:1 cup - are the buckets the same size?

70% water is nothing compared to the volume of “space” in the valence shell of atoms that make up “solid” objects.

i.e. every object that you interact with every day has more “nothing” than “something” per unit volume.

^very true fact that i enjoy…hope to use that to pick up a girl at a bar sometime soon. thanks for the random fact that i hadn’t thought about.

Ha … lame

This answer is in fact very deep, and has to do with more than just the lunar gravity. Solar gravity has an effect as well. To fully answer this question would require a thesis paper.

we all really need to work …at work :gotme:

a thread that did not fail:

bring it back

When I have this bowel movement does the water get forced down to the toilet? or does the water level rise. also how far in should i zoom in with my camera on my phone to send the picture to pass mcgrass?

here’s a very basic picture, but it might help some get the idea.

“The” followed by “moon” would be sufficient for an internet message board. Even just “moon” would have been acceptable. :picard:

76ish to be exact

when is an “ish” exact?

Besides, I can drink 2% by (my) mass water without getting sick depending on thirst. So there is no exact.

Finally that was way too long.

Question: How long will it take for American society to collapse due to (Question number 2).

I’ll say general stupidity and less then 100 years.

Edited for lack of sleep.

man hole covers are round cause man holes are

are what? Tripping hazards? Prevalent in American society? dangerous?

Question: Why do we have 10 fingers and toes? Why not 9 or 8 or 11?

hand evolution has revolved around the shocker.

without 5 fingers (4 fingers, 1 thumb)… the shocker would not be anatomically correct nor as efficient for the “surprise attack” as it is now.

as far as toes… you got me