Any Audi Dealer/Mechanic around here?

I know I’m a little late on this thread…however, I will throw in my $.02:

I don’t know this guy Chris out of Clarence personally but Joe has told me about him before as a very knowledgeable Audi tech. And that’s that. As for Chris’ customer service skills, that I also personally know nothing about except from what 01AudiS4 has told me about him. So I have no judgement to really pass about AT Your Service Car Care…

As for Jason Dale aka Braketracer aka BlackForestMotorsport, I will say he is 1) straight-up honest, 2) Knowledgeable, 3) Personable, 4) Accurate, 5) and just a pleasure to deal with. The guy gives a shit about his customers, their respective cars, the timeframes in which they have to work with, and the cost of parts and labor. He is a very fair guy and once you deal with him once…you will go back again!

'01 S4 WB Stg3+