any AZ peeps on NYS?

Thats like the people who “check out” Florida in jan/Feb when it’s about 75-80 there and when they left Buffalo it was 10-20 but fail to realize in summer you will have a MAJOR case of swamp ass. Not bashing your idea, but, i would see what you think of AZ when it gets 115. Someone I knew moved to AZ and he heard the cliche line “It’s a dry heat” all the time before he moved there. He came back and said “yeah, it’s a dry heat, and so is an oven, but you don’t see me jumping in an oven.” Personally, I’d LOVE to live there and cycle year round without needing 43295274657265492` base layers

^^ its not bad at all considering EVERYTHING is air conditioned. personally i love going out, hanging at the pool at 115. and going out in a t-shirt,shorts and sandals at night. Its also great being able to PLAN and event knowing it wont be rained out. For all the sceptics…stay in buffalo if thats what makes you happy, majority of you are emphasizing how Extreme other areas are just because you are stuck or planted in buffalo with no hope for ever leaving. with all crit. aside…there is a reason this area grows and grow more each day…

tempe is a nice place i drove over there for the bills game, it was a nice place, scottsdale/tempe area , real nice, im in san diego

i can’t comment on AZ but i was in Dallas for a year and while it is often 100+, i had zero issues dealing with it. As stated everything is AC and nighttime is an amazing time. Damn I hate NY.