any body know this car

might as well be looking for a bandwagon…

Buy chaz’s nx. It has a fartcan it makes loud noises.

think that about sums it up ^^^^^
don’t jump into a ride to quickly…it could end up being a money pit…NOT AN INVESTMENT!! ( which again no car is )

** about this site…the people on here are cool, but you need to have a good sense of humor and don’t take anything too personally! Everyones hear to help you out they just each have there own way to go about it **

FINALLY…you could find a W A Y better deal for the money your gonna spend on this jacked up ride. …k now I’m done thanks for listening:bigok:

Thats y we love u so much heather:love: :kekegay:

I wouldnt buy it. To much to repair. Its not worth the hassle.

ok thanks everyone for ur edvice

goodluck and keep looking around…god knows we’ll all be here to help you with more advice.

haha, you are 17 that explains a lot, please buy this car so I can laugh when you come on here in a month telling everyone how much of a piece of shit it is :rofl:

Just imagine it…if only you did

that is by far the the most fugly looking car i have ever seen. even the piece of shit rice cars that were out in the heyday of f&f didn’t look this hideous. it is as if the owner could not decide how ghey he wanted to be, so he tried for the full monty.

i don’t know who should be shot. the owner or the guy who is willing to pay 3k for this monstrosity.

ya…becasue ur car is sooooooooooooooo much better:jerkit:

i would never buy that car…

u also own a M3 wanna B…who cares:D

your right, i bought a 330i with the performance package because i wanted 4 doors, what the fuck was i thinking? I dont have taste in cars at all…

Thank u Capt.Obvious:stick:

damn sleepy whats going on with you tonight?


what a fucking piece of shit… and i didn’t even read the post or look at the picture for more than a second.