any body know this car

this is a serious investment for me and i was wonderin if anybody nows anything good or bad bout this car.

eek I now its ricey which equals ugly…imo…body seems decent tho if you put it back to stock it be clean

i know he can’t turn the wheels or go over a stone very well

i know its missing the rear bumper. at least if you put a stock rear bumper on it ppl can only make fun of it from 3 outta 4 angles :dunno:


no hes got the bumper he just didnt put it on…and wat do u mean he can’t turn the wheels or go over a stone very well???

parking curbs > that

do you really need to be told??:stick:

To clarify, I wouldn’t take that car for free! Plus a car is NEVAR an investment, especially that you plan to modify!

I’m assuming hes on airride?? but if not then yea i would say that those wheels hit the fenders alot.

listen kilmer dont fuckin correct me…i will say shit how i want to

I have a feeling you won’t be here to long unless you know the mods or are just joking

i know the car and the kid whos selling it…

starboy…is it in good condition and is it worth spendin 3000 for it

good condition??? look at the pictures. it looks to me like it was owned by a young kid that used and abused it. 3000 for that? no way… why not take your time and find a car you really want not just buy the first thing that comes along. 2 days ago you wanted a 240, now a civic. I just think your money would be better spent buying a car that was stock or almost stock and spending spare cash to modify, not spending spare cash to fix someone else’s mistakes

first of all im lookin for a 240sx OR a civic and second the only mods done to the car is intake some body kit rims and air ride that is all fucked up so…

it seems the type of guys who style their cars like that also love bounce off the rev limiter. the rear is missing, the kit will crack, the wheels will rub, the whole thing will scrape, etc… if this is supposed to me your dd i’d be more particular:nono:

POS and sould be burned! U may now lock this thread.