any electricians?

Im working on upgrading to electrical designer at work…

didnt do much of it in school, nor outside of school. The boss wants me to read the “grey book” but its so dry and boring Im not getting anything out of it.

anyone have any suggestions on what books to get to read up on.

best place to get an updated code book? I know Home depot sells them but I think they only sell the basic books.

Im working now on distribution systems. I can draw anything you throw in front of me, but its understanding what im looking at in detail when im out on the field.

the electric league has a really good class on basic power distribution… they also have a code class.
i think theyre wednesday nights at the duquesne light campus on the north side.

thanks! that might do the trick.

PM nitroice40…he’s an excellent electrician


anyone familier with the “grey” book…