any frolf players?

just gotta keep the disc level on release. Accuracy doesn’t matter as much as you’d think except for your short game (to an extent)

Really? must be new that i have to try.

im terrible too but you just get yourself 3 discs and get used to them, the release is huge. I tend to over compensate and it goes straight. Even if you have to slow down your throw straight will always beat a huge throw that is tipped. I have had several drives land behind me cause i tried to throw too hard.

used to play like 4x a week in the summer

twice a day even haha

Best way to waste a day hands down, i’ve played at probably about 100 or so courses up and down the east coast. I have to admit CR is one of my favorites hands down…

So many courses are just wide up and boring. I played at one in Raleigh,NC two days ago that was almost as much fun(the pdga plays this course frequently). This weekend i’m going to check out this one in tallahassee=)


I played disc golf for the first time out in Michigan last month, def was an awesome time even though I was horrible.

Alot of it depends on what discs you are using and in what conditions/wind speeds etc…

As a golfer myself… I think frolfing is a fag sport

As a straight man myself I know you take it in the ass<3

kind of doesn’t work… but who am I to say, I’m not a frolfer

going later this afternoon :headbang: (or just getting hammered)

first of all its not frolf saying frolf instantly makes you queer bait. second i do both and i can say that disc golf is a fucking great time, faster than golf and hella cheaper.


i tried playing golf a bunch of times when i was younger (i took lessons and all that shit) and i hated it.

frolf rules

Love it :tup:

you sir are a fag for calling it frolf…


i used to play once a week at chestnut… evangola is booring. played two old courses in rochester… and two in tennesee. and chesnut is still the best.

i want to check out the como Park one.

I even thought about looking into laying out a course at Emery park. it has plenty of elevation changes like chesnut. & its stupid close to my parents/brothers house.

Disk Golf is baddass on the correct course. When people follow the rules of golf.

Too many kids just try to “throw a frizbee” and smash beer bottles on the course at chesnut. and dont realize how stupid they are.

The courses i played in tennesee had beautiful concrete Tee’s and Nice full color signage showing the Hole like a real golf course. and score cards at the first basket…

all for free in a public park. The park sold disc’s at the main office to pay for things. and all the holes were sponsored by Local businesses.

something our courses could use here.

I think I want to start doing this.

We play with a special rule too.
If you don’t make it past the womens tee off on the first throw (trees,wind ect) You must make your second shot with pants at half mast. It’s quite funny

We play if you land your disc on another player’s you buy a round for that person next time we go get drinks.