any frolf players?

my first time playin was last year and only went a couple times and played at CR and como park. its fun but i still i gotta practice. I DONT WANNA LOOSE MY DISC!!

i’ve lost a few…that danm riveen (sp?)
shouldn’t you be working on your I-search paper? lol

HEY! I meant to post this a month ago, Emery Park has a course set up now! I noticed it on election night when I was going to vote but forgot to post it. Do people play in the snow? I have seen a bunch of cars parked at the ski lift lot but there is no skiing yet, I am not sure why they are parked there.

its definitely possible to play in the snow. I heard about this course as well. I will have to check it out when i replace my disks i lost at como.

i played once and beat robherself and sureshot!'s asses bad

false u cheated.

I have played a bunch

Lost my disc to lake, gotta go get a new one.

We’re pussies, we skip the water holes.

Sorry it isn’t worth losing a $80 disc to water…

as i recall we made it 10 holes before we ran out of disks…

I’ve played at least once a week and have yet to lose a disc?

well la di fucking da! aren’t you the tiger woods of disk golf! I’ll have your mom bake some cookies for you when im done losing my disks in her vagina.

You also said you skip the water holes. We don’t. It’s proof of manhood to play those holes.

he probably plays on pussy courses with no large water crossing…

anyways, i won like 9 of 10 holes, im pretty sure that constitutes as an ass beating.

I played Emery last weekend and its one difficult course but it was my first time their. I didnt expect there to be a foot of snow on the ground so quite a few times my discs buried themselves which just sucked trying to find them. I was lucky but my friend lost one and it took us 3hrs. to play the entire course. Im going to stick to como until spring arrives I will hit up emery again.

My girlfriend always tells/yells at me not to do the water holes. That is pretty much THE reason why I try them.