Any Home brewers?

beer sounds good now… im thinking about getting into this …but i think it would just be better to buy a keg :gotme:

Just got a home brew kits for xmas… and ordered a Honey Amber Beer. Ill keep everyone posted. Doesn’t seem very difficult. Im impatient so I guess I will have to drink a couple 24 packs while it ferments so that I can fill the bottles afterwards.

To the experts:
How do I make a stronger proof beer

This sounds cool…but I don’t drink too often at all, so it prob. would not be worth my while.

malt and yeast are your friends. Stop down to Niagara Home Brewing, and get the scoop.

Not so sure that’s too possible for him…

			Location: San Diego CA


The kit has a recipe guide in it… haven’t had a chance to read it. Been searching online can’t seem to find articles on it. Im assuming it has something to do with Fermentation time and the amount of yeast. But doens’t the yeast die? or will it continue to ferment and become a stronger proof?

where did you get the distill?

Add more FERMENTABLE sugar. Not all forms of sugar are converted to alchohol during fermentation, leading to a sweeter beer. Remember, If the alchohol content is to high the beer will taste booze-like. You need to balance this with other ingredients. Get Charlie Papazian’s book on home brewing. It will answer most of your questions.



bump bc ive been reading this for the last few hours and getting rather excited about it…

gonna steal a bucket from work, get a big boiling pot and some ither shit and give it a try in a few days

american beer is like having sex on a canoe, it’s fucking close to water.

i’m coming over when its done.

I forgot about this, how was the brews? I’m brewing brandy now

Im brewing some Boston Lager now. Waiting a few more weeks to get some seasonal brew for Christmas party at my house.

Ive been brewing all summer, and fuckin love it. We had a pig roast, and bought 4 cases of commercial beer. I had gallons of different home brews. I figured only a few die hards would drink it. Well I must cook some good beer, cause we still have the pile of commercial beer, and I am out of home brew. Time to fire up the brew kettle and fermenter. I love this.