Are you using the ballistic tip .17 HMR ammo? Does it do the job well? I may pick up a bolt action bull barrel .17 if you’ve seen it do a good job.
yes ballistic tips is what i use. they work. i’ve seen them take down bigger animals too.
xlogic was already doing that in another thread
yeah…they work well on dogs too.
I was wondering about the .17 or hogs. Really have been looking for a reason to buy one…
Just about everyone I know uses the .223
white tail, rabbit, phesant, quail, grouse, squirrel…and some hogs all year round
all up at my parents place in crawford county…go out the back door and into the woods with a 12 gauge mossberg for birds/rabbits and my .270 savage for deer
I’d like to see a bear this year. Sighting in the .300 win mag this weekend. Shoulder should be nice and sore sunday.
I agree, but I want to take my first bear with a pistol…
Not me, I use the cannon for everything.
because I suck dick like a champ.
I guess at least you admit it…:greddy2:
Dunno, Starboy. Seems to me that there’s quite a difference between shooting an animal, attempting to kill it as quickly and cleanly as possible, and then eating it, as opposed to forcing two animals into combat, watching them slowly tear each apart, hanging animals for hours/days on end by their necks from ropes…ect.
killing animals for food = good
killing animals for entertainment = bad
maybe Vick should have eaten the dogs?
You not only way oversimplified my post, you managed to ignore most of it in the process.