Any known problems with an 03 evo???

Wouldn’t expect anything more out of you.

you might be right sould of stayed home,loll

now your threatning me BITCH?

cossey ban this chump


Eh, it’s not a threat really. It’s just blabber.

you consider this a threat??? naahhh just remember to repeat that word in person…
my kind dont take this too well


hahahahaha listen to you son, listen to you…

maybe if you didn’t come off as a hothead you wouldn’t be getting flamed left and right

oh and thanks for rep, sent ya one back, and now your in the red

far from a hothead…you are on a car forum not on a personal forum…you can sit there and bash my car and rims and knowledge,but you get personal loke calling some1 you never met a BITCH, my kind dont take these too well
just a thought

WTF is your kind?

And seriously dude, calling someone a bitch is far from being personal.

cossey you’re a bitch

What if I called him a 'boner?" Pronounced “bon-air!”

if you follow his threads directed towards me you would get it…and calling me a BITCH in person would prove him the opposite vs behind the keyboard…

:admin :ban

Well sir, then you’d be French.

Still doesn’t answer what your ‘kind’ is?

my kind???(personality)…lol


Will plus rep when i can

you suck