Any known problems with an 03 evo???

murrdog youre a bitch

look2sexy im done arguing right now, im drained out

Pete online is tough

Pete in real life is TUFF!

Because TDI’s are COOL!! PLUS REP to you!! I’m a Junior @ Siena…that makes me cool!!!

How’s that Cossey! Just wanted to get into the middle school banter that’s all! Didn’t want to upset you or your all knowing mind, just the cool kids who drive TDI’s. I’m just really mad because I get shitty gas mileage, so I have to take it out on others!

Really? Do you try to sound like a mentally underdeveloped child in all of your posts? I never said I know everything, just more than you.

go back to your other forum where you came from, you and your slug jeep.

haha right what a chumba wumba


I lol’d.

Pete, your evo is fast I’m sure. You should race my slug jeep this year. Not being a bench racer but I dont think you can use the stop at 120 excuse against me.

Jeeps suck

well, your jeep is certainly going to be faster, or so i’ve heard, however, the only reason i stop at 120 is because thats where i run out of gear and 5th is a super super overdrive, thats why i need an VIII 4th.

with that said, i’d be more then happy to race you if like, even if you are much faster :slight_smile:

Wasn’t trying to be a dick or call you out, but that’s like saying you shoulda raced his jeep when your evo was stock at the track. Totally different cars, neither are junk.

1/4 mile ends at 1320 feet. whoever gets there first wins i thought

stock for stock pretty sure im faster…

what did he go 100% stock?

fyi, i went 12.98

He runs 12.8 consistent

I knew someone would like that haha

So do antique nissans.