Any other ridiculous stories at bars?

ghetto something is her aim… you banged her I just call her Anal queen for no reason lol

I thought that was Boxxa’s girlfriend lol

LOL OK so it is the same girl I am thinking about.

Lol fuck no. She was my drunk hookup in college. I have standards asshat. Lol

“but I CAN’T open them any further!”

haha ok. we are talking about the short one with the big chest right?

Geoff i hate you.

Ya she was athletic so she had a nice stomach but not girlfriend caliber. Just a “Im hammered and horny” type girl.


:lol: i just got that

she did have a nice body, just a horse face

god bless pillows and doggy style

Pillows - Easier to use than a brown paper bag :slight_smile:

lol which girl is this, i forgot :o

my best story involves a mid 20s girl hanging out at the snooty fox. as we all know, everyone fronts like the have money there. so theres no reason for a girl to be drinking a 40 there. especially not at the bar. so my boy points her out, and then later the bouncer asks us. always down to see someone get ripped out of the bar, my friend tells the bouncer - crazy dude by the way - that shes got it. she sees him coming for her, and tries to divert by coming over to me and requesting songs. i couldn’t even listen to her (mainly because i don’t listen to anyone, but also because i’m watching the bouncer follow her right to me).

The bouncer asks: “Wheres the colt 45”
Her: “I have no idea what you’re talking about”
…my friend reaches his hand into her handbag (hes fairly drunk so he yells when he talks at this point) - WHAT DO WE HAVE HERE???

The girl screams knowing shes fucked, and digs her nails right into the bouncers face. Bouncer lifts her up by her neck, and choke slams her right onto the floor. A preview of the matrix 12. Her friend runs over screaming “whatre you doing OMGz” blah blah blah. He grabs her by her neck and just rips her right out of the bar.

That’s my best one…so funny.

HA, I still tell that story.

The cops flipped his shit when he say me laying down in the back. Probably thought I was about to get gang-raped with all those queers in the Jimmy.

do you 3 go way back or something?

I know ILC from back in the day but I’ve never met boxxa, at least to my knowledge. I wouldn’t say we go way back though, just mutual friends with some people.

ya we went drinking a few times on main. met dstar through ilc

ive known ILC since I was a freshman in college 5 years ago

Old school EA scammers :lol:

lol. that shit is mad annoying. that one EA bashing thread went way hard.

I don’t think you met Dstar throught me… you might be thinking of someone else lol

i’ve known dan for years, no idea how though (or why)