Any other ridiculous stories at bars?

not at all.

thats fucking gross. do you post pics of your cock too?

jesus, seriously?


my god… my. god.

were you surprised it burned when you pee’d 2 days later?


hah I guess you guys like wiggers a lot more than I do.

damn, so what did he do to you?

Like I said, Nice enough guy. Just rubs me the wrong way…

ILC does it right:hitit:

whatever, calling anyone a “wigger” is pretty much retarded. i’ve been friends with him for probably over 5 years solid now. saying he fails at life is pretty funny, considering i’d say he’s doing really well for himself. this thread was funny, i didn’t want to derail it, but i don’t care for people talking bad about someone i’m close to. especially when there’s no factual basis on why. don’t judge.

Cry about it.

I’m not going to change my opinion because you say so

lol. mature. another 17 year old with a 1986 pos talking shit. welcome to NYspeed.

I sang, just like heaven by The Cure tonight at Roxy’s for Karaoke. That is all.

Sounds like you know a lot about me…

I’m single you know:angryhump:

i’m not surprised. grow up.

Why does he rub you the wrong way, Mike? Bad experience being single, as you said?

Will do :tup:

To Contribute:

Kid on the rugby team (Shovels, cause he couldnt catch) decided the corner of the packed bar was a good place to take a piss. After getting, literally, thrown out of the bar he decided he could take on that bouncer.

So he moseys on over and after a few words decks the bouncer in the face. Well the off-duty cop he just punched didn’t take it so well. A choke hold here, some kicking there, and much slamming to the concrete later Shovels goes to jail. Along with another guy that tried to step in and stop it all.

Lesson: Don’t sucker punch bouncers, they don’t like it.

Edit for rendyx: He used lube, I prefer ripping and tearing

whatever, I see you. Good luck with your move.

Thanks, let me know if you’d like anything from my sale.

I’m good on the 20 year old electronics, thanks though.

Glad you’re in the market for that sort of fun, chap, I’m hope you’ll find much more after your move. :tup:

Hard to find a town with more gays than the ruff tuff Buff.

…and that’s why I don’t live here.