Any other ridiculous stories at bars?

Hmm…thanks for wrapping the story up for us.

so instead of stories about club sluts we ended up with fights & faggotry :rofl: why am i not suprised

lol. i’ve been friends with Greg for like 12-13 years now. Since when are jeans and polos classified as wigger?

Dude is one of the most real people I know.

I’m a chigger wanna fight about it?

i once went to a bar and got drunk


word yo

OK my ridiculous bar story, [fail] = bad decision/stupid move/wtf was i thinking?.

3 years ago we decided to go up to Clifton Hill [fail] the night before thanksgiving [fail], started the night at wild mushroom and wandered over to Boston Pizza [fail] after a few many beers . I’m wearing a Sabres hat due to the very recent triumph over Toronto hours before [fail]. I’m chatting with my gf and a group of friends when a very hammered Canadian comes by to talk. We start chatting and eventually he tells me to take off my hat. I’m thinking he’s kidding around and politely tell him to go fuck himself and question the sexual orientation of the entire Maple Leafs hockey team [fail][fail][fail] .

Soon some shoving occurs and (I had no idea at the time) 2 of his friends are behind me. My girl tries to interject but Canadian #1 pushes her aside and takes off my hat and comes in so close I thought he was going to kiss me (I should have questioned his sexual orientation too). I decide to reply with a stiff elbow to his face [fail][fail][fail][fail][fail] but as soon as I’m done I find myself in the air: turns out the 2 friends of his are bouncers at BP who weren’t on duty that night.

Him and his 2 friends get thrown out because the bartender saw the entire thing and I’m getting dragged out by another bouncer 2 minutes later as soon as I found my coat. I guess this bouncer didn’t like my hat either because he decided to toss me on the curb next to the three of them (of course not 1 friend came out with me, AWESOME.)

As soon as I’m on my feet I get tackled and pummeled by a few kicks and this might have been the first shiner I received. I managed to get up, see Clifton Hill popo off to the corner of my eye, got about 10 yards away and get tackled again. In SELF DEFENSE I rolled one of the kids over and gave him a shove to the ground AT MOST. [fail]

[This next part needed to be told to me also because I do not remember any of it.]

The next thing I remember is getting up, asking if I wanted to be charged for fighting, and walking to the car. A friend told me later that night that when I tried to get up I got punched in the face by a Clifton hill cop. No one else could comfirm this so I don’t know if she was lying or not.

I have not yet been back to Boston Pizza.

damn, that sucks. Sounds like some good friends you have :tdown:

did Kevin pussy out on you Zong?

lol, i guess everyone was inside saying goodbye to each other


Got another one…

I walk out into the smoking section. two people are making out. No biggy It happens. I grab the garbage and bring it with me. I come back in, her top is off on the ground, some dude is licking her nipples and finger blasting the hell out of her.

So I kick them out or tell them to go find a different place to do that.

the Kicker… ITS THE SAME DAMN GIRL!!! as the original post!

what is she, the chinese finger trap of 3rd base?
Apparently she takes the bar name all too literally…

LOL WOW. Same one that gave The Russian his death dick?

Got another one…

I walk out into the smoking section. two people are making out. No biggy It happens. I grab the garbage and bring it with me. I come back in, her top is off on the ground, some dude is licking her nipples and finger blasting the hell out of her.

So I kick them out or tell them to go find a different place to do that.

the Kicker… ITS THE SAME DAMN GIRL!!! as the original post!


every single bouncer i’ve ever encountered at Bayou has been a total d bag…most bouncers on chippeawa in general are d bags, but Bayou especially…they all take their shitty job so seriously and will get all tough on you for looking at them wrong.

man, ive been punched in the face more times on chippaworst then i care to think about at this point

the worst one was at level. if youre wearing a hoodie, and they tell you to check it, make sure you do. by all means, do not ignore their policy, walk into the “club” and slap the bouncers hand away from you when he points at you and asks you to check your hooded sweatshirt

srsly. its bad news. they may even use your face to open the door. i am speaking from experence here

the best part was when the bouncer who’s hand i had originally slapped was yelling “no no no no” as 4 other meatheads slammed me into a wall, held my long hair, and opened the door with my face. he knew that deep down inside i was a really nice guy :wink:

ha i got dragged outta there once…and i knew the guy working the bar…but he couldn’t do shit for me at that point.

this past new years eve. i’m sick so on cough syrup…and know it’s a bad idea to drink but it’s new years eve…so i don’t care, i had no choice but to drink that night.

i’m hammered at a friend’s apartment down there…walk to level, get in fine…get a call from a friend that wants me to meet her outside while she waits to get in. i do so…then decide it’s too cold to stay outside waiting…she’s not that important. i don’t feel like fighting the line to show that my hand is stamped to get in, so i just walk casually back in through the exit only door.

they don’t like this.

i black out.

vaguely remember being in a headlock and dragged toward the door…and then in a drunken stupor screaming vulgar things at my friend working the door…who shrugs and says sorry i can’t do anything for you now.

then staggering back to my friends apartment…

wake up the next day, feel like shit, and pissed off because i wake up to find that i not only missed the first 2 periods of the ice bowl…but i also missed a chance to go since a friend had tickets.

also have MANY texts from said girl i was supposed to meet…who just caught a glimpse of me being tossed as she walked in…

oh and the old italian guy who bounces at brick bar is solid as fuck. he totally said the guy that punched me in the face at the bar “looked like a girl” after i told him he punched like a girl after he choked the shit out of him and threw him out

this was of course BEFORE he waited outside for me and smashed a beer bottle on my face

I can’t wait to turn 21.