Any rock climbers??

so iv been to the climbing gym off the blvd many times and like 2 summers ago wen to the adirondacks for a weekend for like a guided trip type thing. but i went to the gym again today, idk its such a good work out but doing it on real rock faces is so much better. im not that great but not just a beginner.

so i think im looking into buying some gear, maybe going out a few more guided trips and getting into it on my own, just seeing if anyone else does it

rock climbing ftw.

but… i better stick to the gym ones because i think i’d injure myself in real life.

good luck dude

what gym do u go to??

climbing real rock was kinda scary at first but idk its not bad, i think ud survive if u can do the gym

i’ve done it at the gym a few times, its pretty fun. my problem is my upper body strength is currently lacking the ability to pull my fat ass up, and my feet re pretty big so its hard for me to get a good footing sometimes.

just about everyone here at Hybrid climbs…some of us are more hippy than others …Cough…josh…Cough

at the gym or real rock? if real rock, i want in, but either way, itd be fun to hit up the gym to with you guys, its such a great workout and is something i never get bored with, just exhuasted from

I used to climb a lot, I had 2 harnesses and all of the gear to go along… that was like 6 years ago though. I would love to get back into it. Maybe we should have a meet at the gym in NT?

I am at the gym a lot once it is cooler outside. I still go about once a week. I haven’t had the time lately but I do boulder at Niagara Glen when I have the chance. Only twice so far this summer unfortunately.

I have been climbing for about 7 and 1/2 years now. Ive been real lazy the past couple of months just because its so hot. I should start working there again, I was in such good shape when I did :slight_smile:

i have been climbing for a few years on and off, nothing crazy but i am from the aderondack area and did a little out there. i have a harness but no rope (mine went bad) but would love to go again.

im totally down for a meet at the niagra gym, anyone wana do it like next week thursday??they are open from like 3pm-10pm i belive