Any sales people looking to attend a business to business networking event?

I’m looking for fellow sales minded people to attend some networking events with me. This is not a desperation move or me looking to sell you something. It is simply anyone who is looking to promote their business/product that would like to attend the monthly networking event I go to in Tonawanda.

Event Details
Join us on Wednesday morning, February 19, for our business networking events that will make you new connections, grow your business, and learn of new ideas and technologies on how to effectively network in Greater Buffalo, New York. Our events generate hundreds of business opportunities and there is no cost to attend.

I can personally vouch for this event and it has generate many opportunities, both in the community and through both of my businesses. The cool part about it: Once you do sign up to be apart of it, there is exclusivity to your profession. No body else can join once you fill the spot. This makes the competition very minimal and allows you to excel quicker with leads that are presented.

Anyways, if you want to join, just let me know!

If this is the one my friend goes to, he says its well worth it :tup:
I would go but I believe the meetings are M-F between 8-5 right?

usually 3rd Wed. of the month 7:30-9AM. Very convenient for 9-5ers.

What industries are at this? mixed bag? IT stuff?

Mixed bag pretty much. There is a guy from Time Warner Business and the event itself is held at USitek n the Blvd. There some printer/copier guys, phones, computer graphics, etc… You are allowed one meeting to see how it is and see if the spot you are looking to join for is open.

You mean Charter? :wink:

I went to one of these types of groups that met at the Westwood country club in Williamsville. I found that it was not a good fit for what I do specifically (it may be a good fit for others though, not knocking it).
But there was one thing that I really didn’t like that they did: Every person was required to bring at least one lead for another member each time they meet (this group met weekly or bi-weekly I think) and they went around the room person by person announcing the lead they had for other members. Now just before this happened I notice a couple guys scrambling to put something down so they didn’t look like slackers/non participants, but basically giving out a garbage lead to another member to save face. It also felt very cult like by this time too. There was another guy in the group that was in a similar line of work that posed some conflict to me, so that was the last straw for me. I could think of many ways to run a better group than this one was right from the start, it was a weird business experience for me. I hope your group is run better and with better people, I can see the pro’s in doing it :tup:

My group is most definitely run better and by no means requires you to give out anything. In fact, I found that the meetings themselves are only for gathering potential networking clients persay and grabbing coffee or lunch to learn more about them/their business and see how you can help one another.

I have gotten numerous leads this way and have helped others out too.

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