Anyone in BNI?

networking “club”?

went to a meeting this morning. seems like a pretty good way to build up a business. however a few things i didnt like:

1: the fact that the whole meeting seemed geared towards getting me to cut a check, rather than show me what really happens.

2: the cost seems a bit out there, in terms of membership dues, registration fees, classes, etc, etc, for being able to say “hey i know this guy go see him”

3: the attendance required. fuck meeting every thursday morning at 7 for an hour and a half. once a month, yea i might do that.

overall i have to say its not worth it for me due to what kind of business I’m in and the time involved. it really turned me off how much it seemed like i was just another check to them as well with how they went through everything.

so, anyone involved in this?

this is what you blew us off for last night?


GeeHee13b: u called me a homo for not going to the bar last night when u didnt even go
KuSToM PLaY: sean wussed out
KuSToM PLaY: he said he couldnt do 3 nights in a row
KuSToM PLaY: :sob:

and i told u about this when we were at the bar tuesday night you dirty whore

told me about it while we were drinking…theres a great idea…

I was invited to one of those meetings but the attendance thing was a turn off, and so was the amount they wanted. I didn’t go to the actual meeting I just researched it off the net.

I think it could be beneficial to my business, but I don’t have that kind of time to mess around with that.