Unity in N.E.C.C. ???

This thread is not meant to be a bashing or none construtctive critisim topic or anything of that sort It seems at recent meets we don’t discuss anything, there’s 3 or 4 groups that just kind of do their own thing and nothing is ever brought up to talk about until we hit the necc forums. I realize winter is coming up and there’s not much to do but why can’t we discuss at meets as well as on the forums about upcoming events or even somthing in general as a club discusion. This isn’t a rant by any means it just seems like we’re standing still and not really doing anything as a group until we hit the forums. This isn’t directed to anyone in particular I just wanted to get some comments or suggestions on how the rest of you feel. :wink:

I for one am getting tired of these meets.I don’t particularly enjoy driving 45min in to these meets just to stand around.Like last night, I feel we should have went for a cruise because it was probably our last snow free meeting of the year. Even before, when we went in to Kelsey’s nothing ever really seemed to accomplished.You get a bunch of conversations about totally different topics.It’s seems that we were able to do more when the meets were held at Fasttraks.Maybe we should try and have our winter meets in an atmosphere like that.I hope we can work something out.

We have found out that Fast Track isnt going to be open any time soon. Another option we have is trying to get Ericksen’s meeting room like the Z club does, but that would require us to move the meets to a different day. I dont know what everyone thinks a meet should consist of. Obviously if they were strictly “business” and trying to accomplish things then they would be pretty boring.

This thread is not meant to be a bashing or none construtctive critisim topic or anything of that sort It seems at recent meets we don’t discuss anything, there’s 3 or 4 groups that just kind of do their own thing and nothing is ever brought up to talk about until we hit the necc forums. I realize winter is coming up and there’s not much to do but why can’t we discuss at meets as well as on the forums about upcoming events or even somthing in general as a club discusion. This isn’t a rant by any means it just seems like we’re standing still and not really doing anything as a group until we hit the forums. This isn’t directed to anyone in particular I just wanted to get some comments or suggestions on how the rest of you feel. :wink:

I for one am getting tired of these meets.I don’t particularly enjoy driving 45min in to these meets just to stand around.Like last night, I feel we should have went for a cruise because it was probably our last snow free meeting of the year. Even before, when we went in to Kelsey’s nothing ever really seemed to accomplished.You get a bunch of conversations about totally different topics.It’s seems that we were able to do more when the meets were held at Fasttraks.Maybe we should try and have our winter meets in an atmosphere like that.I hope we can work something out.

We have found out that Fast Track isnt going to be open any time soon. Another option we have is trying to get Ericksen’s meeting room like the Z club does, but that would require us to move the meets to a different day. I dont know what everyone thinks a meet should consist of. Obviously if they were strictly “business” and trying to accomplish things then they would be pretty boring.

Yeah, I’m not too sure what everythinks we should be talking about in the meetings? There is only so much you can talk about, and in the first dozen meetings it was all talked about. Of course events and such are talked about, just like we talked about the winter meetings at this last meeting.

Did everyone want me to make up random shit to talk about? I mean, we are all enthusiasts, and are there to hang out, talk about cars and what not.

Are there people coming to the meets thinking that there is going to be some astronomical announcement to the NECC membership?

Personally I didn’t want to go inside cause I knew that no one would want to come in. A cruise would have been nice, and I was open to any and all suggestions. People need to start piping up and suggesting something rather than just coming up to me and saying: “so, whats going on?”. When I say, “whatever you guys want”, I do mean it.

I mean, there is also a reason why we have 2, I repeat, 2, events coordinators to plan this kind of stuff. Start thowing some weight.

Personally, I like chit chatting with people because I don’t get to see them all the time, but any and all suggestions are welcomed.

Anyone have brilliant ideas of what to do, or what we should have done? (besides cruise). Things we should have been talking about?


I think yesterday should have been an indoor meet even though most people that park their cars for the winter were still driving them, because the weather didnt really create any desire for a cruise.

i know i have a few questions about the club that i would like to have discussed but i would preffer to ask questions seated around a table NOT in a cold parking lot to 2 or 3 people that are willing to listen while the rest are off checking out new cars or chating in their little group (And that is cool, im usually one of the people lookin around not listening).I think we will be able to discuss things at the next meeting since it will most likely be indoors around a table.

Maybe we should have a sticky in the General chat section that members could post concerns or questions to be discussed at the next meeting.

Sounds like the club needs a Secretary to prepare an agenda, take minutes, and post them in the Members Only Area for people who missed out. The club is just going through some growing pains. It’s the price you pay when a club grows beyond a small circle of friends. You need to do something to make new members feel welcome and involved, otherwise the club with not go past “critical mass”.

Sounds like the club needs a Secretary to prepare an agenda, take minutes, and post them in the Members Only Area for people who missed out. The club is just going through some growing pains. It’s the price you pay when a club grows beyond a small circle of friends. You need to do something to make new members feel welcome and involved, otherwise the club with not go past “critical mass”.[/quote]

And I agree with you. The problem is, is that everyone is relying on me to do everything at the meetings. I would LOVE for someone to take a “secretary” position, to help orgranize things, prepare meeting info etc.

So if someone were to voluteer to be “Secretary” what would their title be??

Whatever they want it to be, cause I know no one wants to be called a “Secretary”.

I think this job is actually filled just not used to it’s fullness. The 2 events cordinators should be doing this and if you look back in the events section, I have tried to write something up about most of the events/meetings even if I was unable to attend.(SCC)

About the growing pains, I totally agree with 1GAlty. I know that even when I joined back in May, getting to meet all the people who atttend meetings and events has taken some time and alot of initiative on my behalf. NECC is no longer 10 or so friends who meet up to cruise and chill. NECC had reached a new high with stickers and flyers and more members, as well as a WEB SITE!! None of these things were around a year ago.

Regarding the 3-4 groups, This is not unusual to have when 30 or so people meet up. The groups are unavoidable but if we had a 5 min group talk about something like “here are the 2 new members and their cars and coming up this fri is the blablabla event and anyone who is interested, our cruise today will be here to here…” Something along those lines. That way everyone could see what’s going on.

Also I think that the main people involved in NECC should make themselves more available and should take it apon themselves to introduce themselves to the new members and make sure no one feels out of place.

But enough about that shit. This next meeting is going to have some changes that are still being worked out, like location, activities etc. If anyone has any ideas/locations for some of the winter months please feel free to PM me, silvia_s13.

Thanks everyone,


Thank you. I agree with you totally, it’s just that I didn’t want to place more stuff on your shoulders that we haven’t agreed upon previously. Thank you for bringing that notion up and I agree with you, that the events coordinator should take a large roll in the monthly meetings, seeing as how they are only once a month. PM me, or msn me if you have any questions or concerns.

I’ve been making myself beknown to the new members, haven’t I? :roll:

Hey, gimme a break guys! That’s just the title that usually goes with those duties. :lol:
It shouldn’t bother anyone who is secure in their masculinity :wink: JK
Just look at the smile on this guy The Secretary of State - United States Department of State

I like Mike’s idea of a group talk to start things off. In addition to introducing new members, we could feature a senior member and their ride each meeting. Maybe introduce themselves, how they got into tuning, what cars they have driven before, what stages and evolutions their current car has gone through, awards / timeslips / tips / stories they want to share, Q&A, etc. We could start with membership #1 and work our way down. Not everyone will want to get in the spotlight, but even if only a dozen people do, that’s a year of meetings and the first person might have new mods to talk about next time around.

What do you guys think of that idea?

Mike I think your idea is awesome. The one major problem with the club, is we always have the same core group of 10 or 15 of us, but we have trouble getting all the new-comers out more than once or twice. This might help that problem.

On a side note, I am currently looking for boardroom space that we can use.

I was just there for a last cruise. It didn't happen so I left. Dan Lemoine, one of the FastTrack owners is now a salesman at westside acura. I agree with nothing accomplished, which stems from no goal. There some cliques, and because of that I try to get around everybody because I prefer unity. The events coordiantors have a 30 days in between, suggest something! Your title gives you the power. I fully support every person that has and is contributing the NECC.