Buffalo Niagara 360

Is anyone a member or familiar with this? Looking at some local social networking opportunities (the in person type that people forgot about) and it seems like this is a good way to meet some other young professionals in the area.


wish there were a forum to troll :slight_smile:

i think i would be dissappointed hanging out with people from Buffalo that take life seriously.

It’s probably the same people from Infotech Niagara

If you go let me know I will stop out

The problem with people that think they are young professionals, is that they usually aren’t.

Getting a job with mommy and daddies hook up’s isn’t being a professional.

The people that really are doing good, don’t have time for a little dick measuring club.


You know networking has a ton to do with business regardless of what industry your in?

Its the 15th. If you are not a member, you have to pay a $50 fee for this kickoff and 2012 unless your company is on the list which is only $25.

Wow you are dumb.There is a large number of us younger professionals on here who have really good jobs at companies we got in at with no connections or “mommy and daddies hook up”. Most people who attend these things understand networking and are driven to do better.

Go hang our at CCB or maybe if your really looking to network, i know of a 400 dollar night dinner i can hook you up with.

The term “younger professionals” is pretty silly.

But if you like patting yourselves on the back. Don’t let me stand in the way of the circle jerk.

A lot of people at these things annoy me, way too Type A for me. However, I will probably join something like this at some point because I’m a young professional whether I like it or not and networking is important whether I like it or not.

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Ya its a bitch having a career in your mid 20’s. I knew I should have gone to school for liberal arts.

Whats a “young professional”, please define.

Is it an education level?

Is it a postion within a company?

Is it a dollar amount responsible for?

Is it a dollar amount spent?

Is it an income level?

Is it years with a company?

Why don’t you guys hang out with the old professionals? They have the capital that you really need, and the position within a company to really make deals.

Making connections now for later is extremely valuable if you plan on staying in this area.

I have had really great success networking local lots of job. consulting, and other opportunities