any scuba divers here?

are there any other Open water certified Scuba divers here?

Yup advanced/rescue here

nice man! Have you been diving this year?

I am currently just a open water level 2 but I want to get into Cave diving. I am going to start looking into that course.

I’m certified, wish I could dive more often.

Havnt been this year. Pretty much dont fresh water dive any more im into some illegal stuff and night dives tho :confused:

Your so naughty.

I want on on Illegal stuff LOL!

I was diving today at lake george. Not exactly what I was told it was going to be. Kinda disappointed. So far, my best dive was in myrtle beach with a 14ft tiger shark.

I’m thinking about taking my course for next year. I’ve been snorkeling a lot with a few friends in lake george and it would be sweet to go down and check out some deeper water wrecks/structures.

Sweet car in your sig sssmokinsssssss

i got certified in like 97. I’ve been diving maybe 5 times since.

I went diving in St Marrten a couple years ago…

by far one of the best times I’ve ever had in the water… Nothing like having a stingray swimming 2 ft in front of you

to be perfectly honest with you, i’ve had much better times when i was snorkeling compared to diving.

most of the diving i’ve done has been in shallow tropical water. the combersome dive gear almost takes away from the experience.

Not to mention my past two dives i was incredibly hung over… wetsuit + hangover + small boat in rolling waves for 30 min plus adds up to an unpleasant experience lol.

I’d have to ask my dad as he was into scuba diving for years but IIRC theres really no good places to dive around here, you really need to go to the coast NH/Maine, even then most waters close by visibility is not that great.

Honestly don’t think I would ever enjoy diving around here like I did in crystal clear waters

yeah visibility will always be shitty this far north

lake champlain is supposed to be a good dive, lots of wrecks i believe.

I dove 100ft to a corsair wreck in HI, it was pretty cool, a ship would be way cooler and of course more dangerous.

I’d like to try cave diving myself, but i have this wierd thing about caves to begin with so it would be a little scary… anything to be more thrilling tho

like I mentioned, I was diving tuesday up in lake george. It was over cast weather up there and we still had 30-40ft of visibility, 40 feet deep. I was actually amazed about the clarity.

60 feet down, it went to 15 feet of visibility, which is still much better then when I was diving in Chrystal lake in 20ft of water. That was less then 5…

when we dove into the ship wreck, 10 miles off the coast down in myrtle beach it was 20 ft sea’s. Everyone was puking and shit. I was the only one who didnt, and I was on the edge. It was real bad. That was my first open water dive too. 70ft down, with a nasty current to swim against. It was all worth it swimming next to the 14ft tiger shark and the multiple 6ft + barracuda’s. There was so may tropical fish I was amazed. I found a shark tooth down in the wreck too.

my fiance’s father just went diving a few months ago in the Bahama’s. He said viability was well over 100ft. Thats retarted.

You, my friend, get the TurboTravis “Strong Jellies” award for the day!