Anybody here have ADD?

Actually I am not looking for any shoulders to cry on. I was wondering if anybody else has it and what they do for it and that kind of thing. This is not an “oh look at me, I have ADD, give me your pity” thread. It was just an honest question that I should have known would have had ass hole responses because this forum is made up of jackasses who can not have any sort of conversation regarding a particular problem that people have to deal with other than either making fun of it or calling bullshit. This was meant to be an advice type thread, like “I found that XXX helps me in this situation, it may help you also” kind of thing…but again…I should have known better than to think any of you could be mature enough to discuss such a topic without pointing fingers and being ass holes.
Fuzzy, the reason I am on a high dosage is for school. If I do not take it in the morning, I am like a zombie all day. I don’t just daydream, I am damn near incoherent. You can be talking to me, tell me the simplest thing, and 10 seconds later I just have a blank stare on my face with no idea what is going on. Since I started on the Adderall, I have massively improved. I only take the high dose on days I have school, when being able to pay close attention is needed. I could honestly care less if some people on a car forum think it is all bullshit. Again…I wanted this to be an advice type thread. If someone has a problem with their car, they post and see what people say who have had similar experiences and see what they did and what the outcomes were. I did not honestly think that this would be such an issue with you guys
