Anybody here have ADD?

You guys can be ass holes and talk all the shit you want on here. When it boils down to it, you are all a bunch of Internet tough guys who will bash the shit out of me here, but in person at a mighty meet (for example) will not say a word to my face. If someone has a problem with me, by all means, talk shit like this the next time I am at a meet…I know none of you will. You are a bunch of shit talking pussy’s hiding behind your computer, where you can talk all the shit you want and not have to worry about somebody shutting you up. Ahh…how I <3 internet thugs. All the non stop shit slinging untill I am there in person then its “hey whats up buddy”. Fucking pathedic. I’m not here saying I am going to beat people up and shit…I’m just saying…its great how two faced most of the people on this forum are. As for myself…I’ll talk shit and back it up. I have nothing to lose.