Anybody here have ADD?

10 day forecast on, is the best I’ve seen interms of extended


sabres are doing pretty good this season huh

what were we talkin about? oh yeah, pinatas. yay!

PS jam i still have those wheel spacers…

we should meet for buffet sometime, on me, in exchange for said wheel spacers.


oh. yes. indeed.

the sabres are doing wonderful!

you know what, i wish that there was some way that i could be outside playing basket in the rain, and not get wet. now wouldnt that be great?? hmmm?!!?

sabres are in a slump, lets hope they can pull out of it



never diagnosed, but I think I have it :smiley:

Ugh. Right Fucking On. Instead of adderoll, we need to give teachers permission to hit kids with metersticks again.

Shut it.

Seriously, people that bitch about this forum and still come on it have no right to bitch about it. I try to avoid it, but I always find myself here when Im bored. I dont want to post half the time because I know someone will either take offense or just be a dick for no reason. The second you get serious about something besides cars is the second people attack you.

hate u :slight_smile:


all men have ADD … especially when women talk. it’s all about learning the skills to not let it spill over to when men talk.

you are all faggots

i’m glad i’m not the only one that can’t stand this kids posts…no offense Dan lol


“Hands across Americaaaaaaaaaaaaa!”

:word: :word: :word:
I read the first page and this quote and thats all i needed.