Anybody know how to go about catching a very fast lizard?

Shitty story with catching them…

when i was 10 or 11 i was at my aunts place in tampa… and there were tons of them running around on her fences. the vertical supports were on her side, I would take a squirt gun (super soaker 1000 or something) and spray behind the supports and blast like 2 from behind there. they were disoriented and easy to catch then.

well the last support i blast behind and no anoles come out… what i didn’t know was there was a huge bee’s nest behind the support. and a swarm came out. completely panicking I run and jump into her pool hold my breath as long as i could…

what i didn’t is there was a problem with africanized bees in the south… and they are patient they will buzz around for 5 minutes waiting for you to surface, where as the European will just go back to the hive after you go under.

so i resurface, get stun 6 or 7 times and go back under… doing this 3 or 4 times, i finally hauled ass in the house… and i found out that i’m mildly allergic to bees, made for a great vacation