Anybody know how to go about catching a very fast lizard?

Long story short… i go to open my screen door i feel something on my hand… scares the crap outta me… i shake my hand, then i see a lizard fly to the floor… then runs his ass off into one of the rooms. My cat tried to get it, but it didn’t work out too well.

My question to you is… how the hell do i get this thing out before it tries to attack me again

open to suggestions now… :slight_smile:

how big is it?

infrared camera…bbgun

Just a gecko or something else?


eh… not big at all… maybe the size of my pointer finger… which is why it will be complicated… seeing that it is small and fast


Ah, definitely a gecko. They are realitively easy to corner, used to catch them all the time as a kid in Florida. Just start limiting options for where it can run to. Or approach it from behind slowly.

lol. for the one you saw go in your house, there are probably 20 more…

It’ll get sick of you soon and leave. Time is your friend. lol

ya just lock it in a room and slowly corner it in, what every you do do not throw something heavy at it, than it just becomes another mess you need to clean up

AHAHAH so thom… im guessing you have been in this situation before LOL

get ur ass over here and help me get it :lol:

Anole not a fucking gecko

can also turn grey when they need to…

best is to force it up on the wall… and they are easy to catch

or you could catch or buy a few crickets an put them on a piece of fly paper an when he goes to eat it , he’d be as good as caught

Shitty story with catching them…

when i was 10 or 11 i was at my aunts place in tampa… and there were tons of them running around on her fences. the vertical supports were on her side, I would take a squirt gun (super soaker 1000 or something) and spray behind the supports and blast like 2 from behind there. they were disoriented and easy to catch then.

well the last support i blast behind and no anoles come out… what i didn’t know was there was a huge bee’s nest behind the support. and a swarm came out. completely panicking I run and jump into her pool hold my breath as long as i could…

what i didn’t is there was a problem with africanized bees in the south… and they are patient they will buzz around for 5 minutes waiting for you to surface, where as the European will just go back to the hive after you go under.

so i resurface, get stun 6 or 7 times and go back under… doing this 3 or 4 times, i finally hauled ass in the house… and i found out that i’m mildly allergic to bees, made for a great vacation


Works on women too. :tup:

candidate for top 10 best posts of all time :tup:

That’ll learn em…

That’s how I get rid of all of my problems…

see if a lazer pointer gets his attention. It’ll either be amusing for you, him, or both of you.