anybody send there xbox 360 for repair

i sent my 360 in for repairs about 2 1/2 weeks ago originally UPS said they had tried to deliver and that it was refused and scheduled for a later delivery, well UPS has delivered it and when i went to the xbox site to check repair status it now says no repairs scheduled. is there a way to check on old repairs? im assuming they allready fixed it and sent it out but i got no tracking number for the return trip.

It usually takes about 2-3 weeks after they receive it at the repair center.

As for the answer to your question in the thread title…yes, almost everyone has.

yup… Just got mine back on the 28th I sent it in around the 5th

but the xbox site when you click repair status it says no repair being done last time i checked it said waiting at the factory and its supposed to say being repaired or that it has been repaired and has been sent out at least thats what info i can find and i never recieved a tracking number im kinda worried that something happened.

I didn’t get anything either… Usually they emailed me. Nothing this time at all. I didn’t click the repair status though

ill just give it some time then thanks

yep but didnt sent it to MS

For some reason they don’t give out the tracking numbers on the way back. I just got mine back a few days ago.

So just sit tight, it’ll be there soon. It means its in shipping now.

o shit i just sent mine in and it is already coming back(got there on Friday) on Monday. on a related note I FUCKING HATE UPS!

i know maybe…2 people who HAVENT had to send their xbox in. Really sad…

you must not know alot of people then, because the amount of boxes that work far outweigh the ones that have to be repaired.

Doesnt mean that the people I know just havent had shitty luck with them. Out of the people I know that have them…Id say about 9 of them. Only my brother and 1 of my friends havent had to send theirs back. I know the failure rate is something stupid like 25-33% or something. Not sure on any truth to that as I just heard it via word of mouth.

the word is fucking THEIR**************

when i sent mine in it only took about 3 weeks total round trip… not bad for free.

3 weeks for me

i hate shipping things, i’ll get around to it… i bought a new one today, will sell the old when i get it back

when i took it into UPS i went to the line and one of the guys is like oh just bring that up here, its a 360 right. Im like “you get alot of these in here” and he told me they get a ton he said something like 5-10 a week WTF have they not figured out why they are breaking all the time i just bought it like 4 months ago and it was freezing up after an hour of play then i started getting the red lights once in awhile so i sent it back am i gonna have the same problem again in another 4-5 months

i think i am getting a brand new one because the shipped it on Monday