Anyone buy engines from Tiger Japanese Auto?

Does anyone have any experience with engines from these guys:

Their prices are pretty low so please chime in if you ever bought an engine from them.




They are the best place to buy an engine from in the entire world. Even buying it straight from a junkyard in japan is not as good as buying from them.

^ Possible sarcasm. I cant tell. Ive heard good things and sketchy things. Please use the search bar for more info.

my buddy bought an sr20det from them yesterday

the problem was, they haave so many engines, and most of them arent any good.

supposdely it took him 4-5 hours of taking apart , and moving engines to find a half decent one.

& in the long run he only bought it because it was 1250 for the engine + 250 for a new wiring harness.

either way, if you plan on buying a motor from any importer,
bring someone who knows what they are doing.

1250 for an sr

must be in pieces or complete crap

I wouldnt pay more than 1500 for an SR20DET

Almost every importor out there charges the same amount for motorsets,
you may have to search through the entire pile of engines, but eventually your bound to find one good one.

its not just tiger that charges that amount,
lots of places do.

shit, I paid even less than that for my sr20det.

I don’t think anyone should be paying above 1500 for a motorset unless your buying it out of a car that already has it running in it , that way you know you have EVERYTHING needed for a successfull swap,
but there is no point in paying 1800 for a motorset compared to 1400, there isnt a real difference in quality,
just profit in the importers pocket


your the million’th guy to ask this week

lol not to mention though,
last time I was at tiger they had a silvia front clip for 2200 dollars.
the only problem was no ignition , and bumper was messed up
either way it was an alright deal.
the reason i believe most of these motors that havent been used in canada yet should be cheap .
is because you dont know what the insides look like.