anyone??cross canada rally

a buddy of mine sent me this… cross canada rally
anyone gonna try her out or know some one?

95% of the cars on here wont make it half way out of Ontario before exploding.

^^ lol whomp whomp

That’s cold brotha

mines one of em LOL

shit, at $13,000 you could drive all the way to the coast, have your car freighted to hawaii, stay a week, drive back and still hold some contingency dollars

lol true

read the fine print a lil’ better, and you’ll see that if for some reason the event has to be cancelled due to unforeseeable events (natural disasters, pestilence, civil war, etc.) you get no refund. lol. that would blow. and it’s a $5000 entry fee.


Cause that doesn’t sound like a scam.

Wow you have to pay…damn

Just last week I drove to Boston, stayed the night with some randoms in the H.I hostel. The next five days I spent driving up the coast through New Hampshire and Main. Stayed in Portland, ME, Two nights in Rockland, ME and moved on to Saint John, NB, Halifax, NS, and then back through the White Mountains and up into Canada again. Got fucken Violated at the Canadian border. Car torn apart, dogs all over the palce…WOW, and nobody even bothered to ask why I had two 60L basins of sea water in my back seat. lol Wicked road trip though and not a thing went wrong. BOo ya

So why did you have two 60L basins of sea water in your back seat?

Yikes…honestly, I’m not gay…but I put it in my hair. I use to live in Australia…I don’t know, just something about being in the ocean all the time keeps the hair healthy…Yeah, I know… laugh away but those who’ve lived near the ocean, know.

^ Lots of people with dreads like it because it helps them a lot, and the salt content is spot on, as opposed to making your own brine. Nothin’ wrong with that. It’s theraputic.

Rough to hear about the boarder issues though.

I’m driving out to BC at the start of August, so I’ll just do that for free.

That I did not know. Interesting.

Damn, I didn’t know that either…cool stuff.

If anything, wouldn’t the salt content dry your hair out?

DUDE!!! I knew it wasn’t just my imagination!!! I have been living in the island of Chios, Greece for almost 2 years now (I work in Europe…for another year anyway) and I hit the beach almost every day from May 1st to October 31st and I noticed that my hair was healthier in the summer when I hit the beach and swim in salt water almost on a daily basis, then it was in the winter when I just wash it with regular tap water but I didn’t want to say anything to anyone because I thought they would think I was retarded. So it is the salt water! I knew it!

i was thinkin son should host a rally of some sort… would be fun! then i think of how bad an idea that is… because you know someone would do something stupid lol