Anyone do that SportCompactPro sponsorship?

its one of those online things like “” type deals where you pay $70-80 and they find you sponsors and send you a contract…i got a contract but im wary of signing it even my parents think its a scam, but i though i remembered someone on here that did it. i was offered a 55% sponsorship where they pay 55% of all mods and will assist in labor costs. it says all i have to do is attend 4 car events in the next year and take a picture of my car at the event with the vinyl decals for all the companies i recieved parts from on the car. theres more to it but i wanted to see if its legit before i even think about signing and mailing back

Yes i have done it it’s not a scam i just got tired of doing stuff they asked me to do lol so i dont even pay attion i got some free stuff and other stuff half off if you are willing to do all the stuff then go for it.

Maybe you should get involved in some motorsports events and see if you can get some contingency money and cheaper parts through Ford’s motorsports channels.

Many car companies do this. Mazda and MINI are two examples of companies that support competitors by awarding prize money to event winners and motorsports-only parts at lower prices that you can’t get normally. These have to be officially sanctioned events, and what they will pay for depends upon the manufacturer.

Nissan also has a contigency program, but the payoff nowhere equals the amount of money to prep the car to that level and participate. Iit would barley pay for one event. I will probably still do it because I hear factory backed stickers add 10hp verus the normal 5hp.

Contingency is actually a small part of many of the manufacturer’s programs, and you are correct, the payout is not very much. But you can also take advantage of contingency programs for your upgrades, tires, etc, and it is basically free money, so why not take advantage of it?

The biggest benefit is for parts, though. For example, Mazda’s program gives you access to a whole catalog of parts that you just can’t get it unless you are a member. Upgrades for cars that they haven’t made in years. Plus you get a huge discount on any OEM parts, which can really come in handy when you are dealing with a 10 year old car or older.

I just wish I had known about it before I dropped about $1000 for OEM replacement parts last winter…

yeah i dont know what to do, my rents read it and were yelling at me that its a scam. eclipsePimp…which one did you do??? i am offered the deal by SportCompactPro, and the only things im leary about is that they want me to attent 4 events race or show and take a picture of my car with their vinyls on it, and if i cannot do that i will have to pay $150 for breeching contract.

Well, with the exception of them charging you for breaching contract, having to supply a picture of your car and proof of entry into qualifying events is normal.

hey im actually kinda interested in this if i can save sum cash on my car i wanna do it let me know how u actually went about doin this ill try if and see what happens i dont really care

so then he would have to go to actual events where the car gets entered?, not just the taffy, duffs or shredd and ragan meets

I have been signed up with it for about 3 years. I send them pictures and stuff of when my car was at AutoX, and since I attended AutoX on a regular basis, it was easy for me to do and deal with. I have received some parts for my car at severly discounted rates, and they helped me with a couple of things. If you are in the beginnings of modifying your car, it is a good opportunity to attain some products at discounted rates. It seems with you talking about a $150 breech of contract thing, they have changed since I have joined.

If you really look at their requirements, it isn’t a hard thing to do. I cleared it with them that AutoX was sufficient to fulfill my requirements of being at “shows”. I had the stickers peeled off the backing, stuck them on my forehead to make the sticker less “sticky”, then slapped it on the ride to take a few pictures, then simply took them off. (Forehead grease makes stickers less sticky!!)

Not true, it seems as they were trying to get more local exposure, or at least that is what I got from talking in detail from one of the reps.

The big name shows already are swamped with sponsors and advertisers, they seemed to be trying to get more people at “Mighty Taco” meets to know about their products.

I checked into this before and meeting their requirements was pretty easy as Tom says, but I just couldn’t deal with the hassle of working with them. I have enough contacts that I get good enough prices on very specialized parts that they would have caused significant delays in obtaining what I wanted. For normal everyday items they are probably fine.