Anyone actually tried this? Or heard any reviews on it? If so, do tell. Thanks

What is it?

yeah i tried it they give discount but not worth the money and you only get partial discounts and they suck unless you win i thinks its 3 big car shows ie in pas mag,hot import nights etc, and then you only get slightly better discounts or if your lucky you can get a full sponsor ship which pays you back for parts you buy but you pay shipping and entry fee to all contests oh there shit sucks

not worth it. you can get the same sponsorships/discounts on your own if you tried hard enough or know the right people.

if you really really really kiss bings ass he may give you a spin nob

not my ass…

if you have a cute gf or sister though…

lol yea…I dunno i’ve heard both sides. Know a guy who got a whole wack load of stuff dirt cheap. There no name american companies, but the prices were ridiculous.

On the other hand…Dont listen to me. How much is it to sign up again?

how about cousin?

whatever the relation… hotness is what matters.

Haha only child, sorry ladies

One of my friends got fucked by this shit. It seems so sketch.

yeah, I heard it was a scam.

Yeah don’t think I’ll be signing up…thanks gents

its shitty all the parts blow ass!!! never heard of any of them ! its only $100 for a year, only partial sponsorships, i thought i was cool when they accepted me 2 years ago lol and for every part you get you have to put their gay decals on your car and take pictures of them on your car. and its not worth it cuz you have to pay for shipping so you aren’t really saving anything!

what age group you lookin for? lol

So you’d better give me coilovers than for hooking you up with my brother right?

its a scam, they take your credit card charge you ever so often for bs fees and you get nothing back.

ill trade you sisters.

i would go with bings idea more - if i recall 3 years ago a long hour and 15 minute drive to bingzors with my g.f … finally got there, my g.f went in… came out 8 minutes later with an intercooler…

8 minutes to get an intercooler ? i dont think so bing lol

ill trade u sisters too