Anyone else grow a "winter beard?" v.New POLL

Heh. You two are soul mates.


My Bro:

Not this year though :frowning:


I grew one without cutting it for 9 months once. Rad is the only word to describe it!

post the picture.

No myspace at work… You can post if you have access, or I’ll just do it when I get home.

I don’t have the patience for a beard. Too itchy. I grew a handle bar once though. May do it again soon too.

link to your myspace?

catalist = awesome.

Another one of me:

  1. I have had a beard for 10 years now.
  2. Chin straps and line beards are in no way cool. You look like a fool.
  3. A soulpatch is only acceptable if your name is Pumice.

buwhhwhhahahahahahahaha nice walker, you and shrew look srrrrrrrrsssss

I shave it all off as clean as a babies bottom.

If I am lazy (which is usually the case) i let it grow a few days, I shave my head to a 0 so it grows equal length and makes for an interesting disturbing look.

You sir are an idiot.

sure. name one cool person with a chinstrap.

^ good point


is he the gay one?

i did but i just shaved. im leaving for st. marteen in a week and i figured i wouldent look good as grizzly adams on the beach down there

I rock the chin gotee.