Anyone else having Adelphia connection problems?

hmmm strange, seems to have fixed itself… for now atleast

adelphia guy fixed my g/f’s

yelled at us for moving the modem upstairs

moved it downstairs, re-wired it, and it worked well

i guess the guys that live downstairs at my g/f’s place put in a bunch of signal amps and that was fucking everything up

he was cool, but he told me that it was all setup ilegally and that i shouldnt call in for service cause they are supposed to clip all the wires going to other tv’s

You do realize those are actaully some of the better modems they give out. Though not nearly as good as the 3/41xx series in terms of bullet-proofiness(word?).

And if it does it’s usually a terayon. Both in terms of intermittant DHCP failures, and power-on failures. Then again they run hot enough to fry an egg usually.

How often are you going through them, lol.