Anyone else just get RAPED by the hail?

So I’m at Canadian tire at Leslie & Sheppard to ask if they’ll test my alty and battery for the 240 if I bring them in. I head home; as I’m peeking the nose of my dad’s car out the end of the underground parking… CLUNK CLUNK CLUNK CLUNK! Had to drive backwards to the parking spot I just left lol.

That was the worst hail I have ever seen, pedestrians were crying from being hit. Its like god was playing paintball from above, with a chaingun.

Out of curiousity, do most insurance companies cover damage by nature such as dents and scratches or broken glass from hail? My 240 looked fine when I drove by it on the way home…didn’t get out to check cuz I’d get soaked.

insurers do cover it…

very excited to hear this happened…lol… it’s good for business

People will have damaged cars, and you’re going “chaching” loll Bing.

Natural disasters. Or whatever they call it. Hand of god. or act of god. Most insurance companies cover it still. Yet they are starting to be rid of it.

damn i was sleeping, thank god i wasnt driving… but damn i hear that shit hit my window so hard, but i just feel asleep… i didnt even see my car outside! hope its allright

wow so thats what woke me up this morning… damn i hope my car is allright :expressionless:

we just got the hail here… i’ve never been in hail that violent… no damage to the cars taht i can see though

bing, what do you do that makes hail good for business?

I wasn’t exaggerating. lol

I’ve never seen hail that bad either, its always the bb sized shit that stings with strong winds, but these were like marbles.

No damage?..well that’s a relief for me to hear. Oh well, no cha ching for you. lol

People driving on the highway when it started probably have visible damage because of the combined speed of impact, so don’t lose hope for some paint or glass repairs. :slight_smile:


Any one go to Dane cook last night ??

just got hit with some massive hail here…

holy shit…

and Logik… you sent me a resume you fggt… you already know

^wtf, that looks like an amoeba. lol

All the ones I picked up were almost spherical.

And this hail isn’t half as bad as the one last year that rained gold balls and destroyed cars

Hail Mary!

haha, my little brother went shit-nuts and started grabbing as many as he could. I think we have a collection in our freezer now. We got hit while I was driving home, it started melting pretty quick.

more hail:

I was caught outside b/c I crashed at my GF’s house. Car seems fine though, thankfully. I just can’t believe the one time it had to sleep outside, it hailed.

Dudebro, how many GF’s do you have? Is she Asian? :stuck_out_tongue:

I woke up to gunfire.

Freaked the hell out of me since i was half in my dream half waking up so I thought some shit was going down :noes:

Andrew wtf happend to your thumb lmao