anyone else notice the Pigs trying to be stealth lately??

Between exits 11 and 8, almost everyday I see a Pig trying to be stealthy. Yesterday, their was one tucked way back on the grass on the south side before exit 9…Also, they have been sitting under bridges and shit…I have noticed they have just began to start doing this ALOT within the last few weeks…trying to be stealth I guess.

Yep Yep. I got hit with laser this morning on the way to HVCC and I have no idea where the hell the cop was sitting. Also passed a cop yesterday AM, at the last second he flicked on Ka and tried to pull me over. Cocksuckers.

yea i see them all over the place
pry cuz school is back in session…

its just a matter of time b4 a cop gives me a no front plate ticket.
i went through 2 inspection checks tho and no one said anything to me

This is why i’m afraid to get tint, even 35%… just another thing for them to hassle you about, especially Troy/E.G. police who are DICKS. They see a young kid driving a flashy car like mine (bright red, polished wheels, new car, etc.) and will look for anything to pull me over thinking it’s an easy ticket and easy money for the city. FUCK THAT SHIT. :stfu

you tell em !!

Red is the most liekly color to get you pulled over… good job!


No joke, red cars tend to look like they are going faster than they really are, hence cops look at you more often

yup…I got pulled over in my red camaro daily…have only been pulled over 3 times since I have owned the SS

But I use to have a black camaro when I was in high school…had it for about 6 months, and NEVER got pulled over…went and bought my Red camaro and the Day I brought it home, I got pulled over leaving my road.

Ive seen cops hiding on the Northway and 787 quite a bit lately. Today a Colonie cop was on the southbound on ramp from exit 6.

They sit under the exit 8 and 8a bridges, sneaky sombitchs

+1 i seen it too lately

well on 787 ya gotta be a retard to speed between the i90 interchange and the alt rt 7 exit… they post it up in big ass fucking letters on a big ass fucking sign ::slight_smile: that says “safety cordor expect police patrols” lol :lol

its like when they do dwi checkpoints… they fucking tell you where they are… you just have to watch the news… but people always get fuckedup and then get behind the wheel and then drive right thru the fucking check points :confused…

Ive seen those signs too.
I really only drive 787 in the box truck anyway.

My brother got stopped in one of the DWI things last weekend and he wasnt drinking at all but they still made him do the field sobriety tests.

you should be fine. You may consider your car flashy, but a cobalt is an econobox and you are completely stock in appearance… not too sure why you think they would pick you out of a crowd.

disclaimer: I’m not ragging on your car at all, so don’t read it like that ;D

no, they just stand out a LOT in the line of cars. yellow does as well. i drove a red car before this one and i got stopped all the damn time. now cops dont even look at me anymore. im too :ninja

in the north east the most popular colors are black silver and white, so anything thats lime fucking green, comp orange, fuckme red, or bright ass yellow etc etc… is getting looked at before somthing thats black or silver…thats why i do the speed limit no matter who rolls up next to me on the highway wanting to roll one out, cuse i know my ass is getting yanked before the silver car rolling up next to me lol, the colonie pd used to pull up to me at the hoffmans wash on rt9 and ask me why i was there at like 3am… i would be like i work nights and naturaly a night time person so i do all my leasure driving at night, a few times more and they finaly got the hint that i was really not trying to bullshit them and i wasnt out to start any shit or make trouble. that i really was just minding my own business and giving dunkin donuts some extra cash at night lol…and the wash too… so i rarely get harassed anymore, plus it helps that my grandfather watched half of the guys on the force play baseball as kids.

I have never had a cop look at me in my “fuckme red” car than my other cars, but it’s also not anything flashy, just a plain old Jetta.

I guess hiding under bridges and stuff doesn’t really seem to surprise me. I’m pretty used to the NJ/NY troopers doing it and seeing it all the time on my way back and forth.

if a cobalt is considered flashy, then so is your jetta ;D

I don’t consider a Cobalt flashy, no offence Chris. :tong

Red is also the color most likely to be involved in an accident.
I guess we’re just fucked. Maybe that’s why Jammer called it “fuckme red” :lol