
i just wanted to vent… got pulled over sunday night in north versalles, the pig gave me 2 citations one for window tint(and i dont even have any tint on my front windows, only the back) and the other for careless driving! CARELESS DRIVING because the PIG sayed that i was exceiling at a hight rate of speed, yet i was under the speed limit. I hate cops, you would think they would have better things to do.:rolleyes:

fight it …dont pay the ticket make the bastard go to court


Originally posted by kiddscrx
iCARELESS DRIVING because the PIG sayed that i was exceiling at a hight rate of speed,

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Originally posted by kiddscrx
i just wanted to vent… got pulled over sunday night in north versalles, the pig gave me 2 citations one for window tint(and i dont even have any tint on my front windows, only the back) and the other for careless driving! CARELESS DRIVING because the PIG sayed that i was exceiling at a hight rate of speed, yet i was under the speed limit. I hate cops, you would think they would have better things to do.:rolleyes:

ya we belvev you wernt do anything to get pulled over
:bsflag: :bsflag:

the pigs have been out a lot lately…pulling over cars.
I’ve seen a ton, and heard a decent amount of stories.
Wife almost got pulled over last week on that road coming back from kennywood (kennywood blvd??) a cop sits on the right…at the light before the homestead highlevel bridge light
runs vascar…be careful if your over that way…the limit drops to like 25 or something. wife said he pulled over the person behind her.

ya ive seen cops hidin their for over a year

end of month-

wanna see police, Visit Kilbuck Twp :tounge:

if you had tint on any car windows that is why you got a ticket for it. next time you wont attact attention to yourself by accelerating to quickly

Originally posted by Shaggy
end of month-

wanna see police, Visit Kilbuck Twp :tounge:

those fuckers are the worst.

i got my first ticket going UPHILL on Mt. Nebo Rd.

in a 92hp, automatic CRX.

he said I was doing 65 in a 35.


Girl from work was traveling back from a business trip in Philly and was pulled over for 82 in a 55, and was pulled over again for 92 in a 65. I guess the first ticket didn’t phase her!

if your black with tinted windows exspired tags and no inspection they will not pull you over

but if your white you get fawked anything

just drive a g-body and see how many cops think you got dope in the car. Brentwood fuckers!!!

Originally posted by Cutty
just drive a g-body and see how many cops think you got dope in the car. Brentwood fuckers!!!

i guess there private stash is running low

they’ll pull me over for suspicion but my car can drive around for a month before they find it

window tint is legal as long not covering windshiled, or front windows. as for accelerating bit— fight it, and ask the cop to prove it. if he says “noise”, claim it is intake noise.

go in w/ the current inspection code book, and law books. or u will get fucked.

if needed i got the paper here on tint specs. i got it from my hookup up at
golden touch

PA stupid tint regulations; its only says “must be able to see the
interior of the vehicle”

Another section basically bans all window tint on passenger vehicles and another will tell you that if you own a passenger truck you can black out the rear window. also no stickers are legal on front/rear windows.

it is illegal in some form or another so watch how you phrase and explain yourself to the magistrate.

Simply tell the magistrate my Tint is GHEy and took it off.:eek3:

due to overlapping laws in our state, tint is pretty much at the discretion of the cop who pulls you over. Some cops won’t allow anything darker than 35%. Franklin Park cops let 20% slide, but Pine cops don’t.