Alright well after work today i needed gas so i decided to go down 51 to the BP. It was about 2am. Pass Baldwin cop and he pulls me over. Says my windows are “Black”. Wrote me a ticket, because baldwin has already pulled me over once before for the tint and exhaust he said. What pisses me off is i dont drive like an ass or anything like that, obey the speed and everything. It seems like they just want a reason to pull me over just to get me for something. O well, im here to ask if anyone here every tried fighting the ticket. Part of me just wants to say f it and pay the ticket, but i also am just so pissed that they give me a 105$ ticket because the cop thinks its too dark, and the fact that they’re always messing with me, (even pulling me over once because my stock hood scoop was “too tall and illegal”.) I know some of you are just gonna say man up and pay ticket, but i just wanna see first what my options are. Thanks guys.
my friend has a stealth with some 35 on his windows and keeps getting hasseled by the cops but no one really did anyhting to him as for me i never tinted my windows but was lookinging into it could PA cops give me a ticket for it if my car is from ohio with ohio plates?
man up pay the ticket… i got busted by baldwin but he just gave me a verbal warning because i work for the tow company that tows for them… let it sit then i got busted by s.park twp for tint and had to peel the front 2.
and if you have ohio plates you cannot get busted for tint in PA.
what did they write the citation under? what code and sub section, also how was it described? “Illegal sun screening device” or “Illegal activities” etc…
in my experiences, (I sell/install Tint) best option is to peel the windows that are in violation and take the hearing, explain youve removed them, tell them the car is outside if they’d like to look. They usually dismiss it.
then re apply later
what I want to know is…if a cop pulls you over for window tint, and your front 2 windows are down completely(he never saw them), can he make you put them up to check them?
FBA you only say reapply later because you’re doing the reapplying
techinically no he cant… because by vehicle code i dont think that you need side windows… because jeeps run with no doors and shit like that. but he will bust you for side windows behind the front two and then you will look real cool having fronts tinted and backs clear.
You got a ticket for having illegal tint on your car…why should they not bother you? That’s like being mad because you got a speeding ticket for speeding. However, I think you can have darker tint if you have a medical condition requiring the tint and carry a Dr’.s slip stating so?
The ticket is marked in the “other” box, and says. " Tint (Sunscreen Device)".
I really dont wanna peel it, since baldwin is the only place that hassels me and they only get me when theyre sitting in the blockbuster parking lot waiting for speeders. But on the other hand i dont wanna pay the ticket, and get pulled over for it again next week. A few people on NASIOC said they got their tickets, and fought them, went to court without their car, and the ticket got dismissed because they couldnt prove it or something like that. I really dont know the truth behind that, so thats the reason i am asking here if anyone has ever fought it and just to see how the court went. Thanks guys.
kinda senseless to fight it, even if you did go and won, you’d better never go through baldwin again
Window tinting is legal in Pennsylvania because neither the Statute, which the legislature has enacted according to the will of the people, nor the Regulation, which the Administration has passed to clarify the law, prohibit it
§ 4524. Windshield obstructions and wipers.
(e) Sun screening and other materials prohibited.–
No person shall drive any motor vehicle with any sun screening device or other material which does not permit a person to see or view the inside of the vehicle through the windshield, side wing or side window of the vehicle.
Note also that it does NOT say that a person must be able to view the inside of the vehicle, only that the tint cannot prevent a person from seeing in. (no one can see into a vehicle at night, even with clear windows) Also the way the law is stated above it is only requiring that a person be able to see the inside either through the windshield, side wing OR side window. If the word ‘and’ was used instead of ‘or’ it would require viewing through all of the mentioned windows.
Now I do not have window tint on my Side Window or Windshield. My Car is not a Truck and it does not have a Side Wing. Again to Clearify, My roll up windows and Windshield are NOT tinted. Only windows on the vehicle that are tinted are the rear window, and the 2 side Stationary windows that do not roll up or down located behind my head (which classify them as REAR windows…
i have been to court and said exactly this and won.^^
I have window 5% tint on my back 3 windows of my 1998 Neon…
only mt lebanon bothers me and says its illegal no one else bothers me, so i just dont go in mt lebo anymore.
but if you have tint on roll up windows your looking for trouble and most likely will not win
i drive past there like EVERY night and see cops all the time. no problems what so ever:bigthumb: :booty:
What exhaust do you have and what color is the car? WRXs tend to attract attention. I think that tint doesn’t stand out on black cars like it does on lighter colored cars.
I would however keep all 4 windows down when going through an area where you think you are likely to be hassled.
I believe the law allows 70% or something, which is factory on most new cars, so basically, no aftermarket tint whatsoever.
Thats not the case, even the guy that does the tint, he gets pulled for it, removes it and re applys it later, im not saying it to do the work, i didnt do his the 1st time, im just saying youre better off telling them okay okay you win, ill remove the tint, then put it back later, give it a month or so
Theres no clear cut law telling us that it is “illeagle” with speeding its posted every 50yds…
officer watkins from castle shannon will get you if he sees tint…i drove past him on cs blvd and he did a 180 right after i passed him like i was driving a stolen car and pulled me over for my tint. he also gave me 200 dollars in citations just for my tint…he gave me a citation for my drivers side tint and my passengers side. 95% of the time im driving with my windows down unless its snowing really bad and windy where the snow would be blowing inside of my car. when he pulled me over he was like “finally caught you driving with your windows up” i was like wow, good job asshole you must feel pretty good about yourself.
drs note ftw
I think if I had to drive around in the cold with the windows down to avoid getting pulled over I would just give up and take it off! Some tings just aren’t worth the hassle. But maybe I’m just willing to give in to The Man.
Out of state tags FTW
Doctor note thing aint worth it…1, you aren’t going to get one unless you have a legit problem, 2 even if you get one you better damn well not get caught, fraud isn’t taken lightly.
edit -btw I’m completely up for with rolling around with the windows down in 0° weather, just so I can have my tint, man I miss it.
I have the stock blue subaru color, with a full catless turbo back exhaust. I admit my exhaust is damn loud and pisses me off sometimes. I go up like 3 blocks out of my way at night when comming home so that i can coast into my driveway without pissing my neighbors off. Im wondering if i pull the front tint and get it lightened would that still be ok?, or will they still hassle me because of the rear windows…
I thought you could have the rear side windows and rear window as dark as you wanted to, just no tint on the front seat side windows and windshield?
sweet it was in referance to my question but my question got answered…OHIO TAGS FTW