Anyone ever deal with penndot on a bent rim??

the state wont pay, you’ll just get a letter from them stateing that they wont pay. my sister bent a rim on her car but its was another company and not penn dot that was paving the road so she got a new rim from it. your best bet is to buy a new rim yourself. paint “learn how to fix the roads right” on the bent rim and throw it threw the front windsheild of a penn dot truck.

thats a bad bent rim!
my friend tried to get money for a GIANT pothole before too and got nothing… it sucks
next time have a pat bus rearend you


picked one up for $150 shipped

thats to much

were all 175-200 on
and 550 new here at work.

should have went with bullits :slight_smile:

1 rim > 4 rims

yeah sorry to hear about that chad. I had a buddy at the fire department buy a brand new car and 1900 miles later did the same thing exept it broke the axel off and did about 3k in damage. Not only did Potdot tell him no, his insurance carrier raised his rates.

Fuck this stupid state and the fuckheads in government jobs.

learning how to stay in the lines > suing penn dot

actually that’s less :smiley:

I was looking to pick up a set of high polish torque stars but could never find any decent prices on them

fuck it, these silver ones aren’t that bad

i hear if you keep on calling and bitching it MIGHT be paid for. doesnt hurt to place a call every day… you never know


naaa, we dont pay up either!


As I recall there was a post awhile back that stated they chaged the policy. It used to be that they would reimburse you. But in the post it said they now have to fix it after its reported and not pay a penny to you. Do a search cause I know I saw it here.

atleast that rim will make a nice wallpiece

Edgar Snyder FTW. He actaully can do something about this.

besides take 35% if you win

i’d rather have 65% than none…

He’ll get you 4 new wheels but he takes one of them.