I guess instead of fixing potholes, Penndot decided to do this. Kindof a neat little thing…
pretty cool
cool. scope out new spots.
Originally posted by Black_WS6
cool. scope out new spots.![]()
already watched the HWV spot on there… :embarass:
that is pretty sweet
my buddies car is on the one that you go past firestone in centuryIII area. thats pretty cool
Oh, while we’re on the topic of PennDot, just so everyone is aware, PennDot just recently had a PA legistlation ammended giving them immunity to any vehicle damage claims… I found this out when I sent PennDot a claim to replace my downpipe when a pothole shattered the flexpipe section of it. They sent me a letter back thanking me for informing them of the bad road condition, but that I’m up the shit creek as far as them replacing my downpipe for me.
doesnt suprise me that they would pull some shit like that… helf their budget probably goes to replacing peoples rims.
anyone have connections with penndot? I want a job as a tollbooth attendent.
waste of taxpayer cash = yes
i think it’s cool