Anyone ever deal with penndot on a bent rim??

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if you look closely you can see the 10" mark on the ruler

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damn, yo shit got jacked!!! and you had those nice polished torque stars too.

Good luck dealing with them, it’s pretty much your word against anyones. Any witnesses/ passengers?

and damn, those calipers/rotors look terrible.

edit - where’s this hole at? just for a heads up

car just sat for a month getting foxed. thats why they look like shit. im getting Fbody brakes very soon.

no witnesses or passengers, i was coming home from hockey

bout a mile north of the mt nebo exit on 79N left lant at the end of a small small bridge

jeez that’s right on the line, too

that’s definitely not acceptable especially at the speeds people travel up and down that interstate

someone could be killed real easy

its coming around a blind turn around the end of the bridge

So you work at Wright? You should have it pretty easy getting a hold of a new rim. I doubt penndot will do anything but fix the hole.

i know ill have it easy getting a rim. buy coming up with cash when penndot gives me a runaround is a different story

holy pothole…good luck with getting anything from penndot

i tried.they told me its not there fault i hit the hole.i told them it was in the middle of I70.they said o well.chances are they wont do shit for u either

That looks like the edge of the road. It’s actually on the yellow line. Why were you driving on the edge of the road?

unless it caused and accident then they wont do shit for you. it caused me to be out 1900 dollars last year once and then 600 another time last year

Many years ago my dad hit a hole, submitted paperwork, and they paid for it.

And isn’t that 10mm not 10"? If this was off-topic I’d make another comment. :smiley:

have strut checked out and speed sensor; as well as alignment

it was coming right off a turn and i was passing a semi

they are talling me a bill was passed in 1972 saying they arent responsible for damages due to potholes.

i mean how? this is the only fucking state with 1000’s of them

I think your chances of recovering from PennDot for hitting a 4" deep hole off the edge of the road are very slim. Didn’t whatever his name is on here that has the fascination with turbo probes or someone else on here try to get money out of PennDot for hitting a hole in the middle of the road like a year ago? I know I read someone posting about it.

good luck im still battling them on my front bumper. They sent me the claim forms and asked me to fill them out and take pics, i did and mailed them back but everytime i call on it hes like o yea i forgot about that ill get back to you in a day or so… he keeps saying theyre gonna pay for it, but no check yet … wtf!

I will bet $100 you don’t see a penny from PennDOT. I busted up a rim on a bridge/overpass that you could literally see through. The hole was big enough that anyone walking on the road would have fell through up to their thigh. I called the local maintenance facility to inquire about it and they gave me a number for an office in harrisburg. The first office said all the could do was take a report of the bad road. The 2nd office said they could not help me at all with rim replacement/repair. They took my info and said they’d send a form to fill out and submit with damages and pictures. Needless to say I never got the forms and gave up after speaking with 3 different people who obviously didn’t want to help.

But the bridge was tore apart and fixed within a month! :omg:

i just called my insurancxe. they basically told me i would be stupid to claim it because a bent rim from a pothole is considered a collision. and seeing i had my accident, that would be 2 “collisions” in a few mo. so rates would either go up or I’d get dropped.

F everyone

just pay for it,its ur tax dollars anyway