I go there all the time too.
I think it would be a really good idea. You should go to NT/Tona gateway harbor durning the concerts and pass out infromation to all the boaters.
I have been a dock hand there for 7 years, if you just give it me/the dock master there, we will pass it out for you. So many boaters there go to grass island, they all meet on sundays.
Which marina do you work at?Iwill make sure to find and take careof you next spring.
some ideas
dont set it up as “will deliver on orders of $50+”
set it up as “will deliver for one or more orders totaling $50+”
small difference, but would net you more sales, because of a lower “buy in” per person / group … someone might just want a small pizza, 2 goups of people order for 4 people each, guys on the other end of the island get a large and two 2 liters … $80+ sale despite the fact that no single bill was $50 … plus you get $4 delivery x 4
anytime you do a delivery on the island, ahve the delivery guy walk around passing out menues, announcing that there will be another deliver at XX oclock. this will sound like a deadline to people, and deadlines tend to motivate people. friends will ask each other if they want food, some people will say yes, youll once again have people calling in placing orders for the day
see if you can put up signs at the Marina’s that say “xxxx pizzaria delivers to grass island” in bold letters - someplace thats easy to see. make menues available in the main office of the marina, make sure the marina has a # that they will always be able to reach you at to restock on menues.
Almost the same as I was stating above.I like the timeframe thing like every hr or so.Only ppl might say"ahhh lets not wait another 50 mins."Then what happens when I get an order right after my delivery guy leaves?I would hope everyone would be understaing that it might take a couple extra minutes due to the circumstances.
I do appreciate everyones Ideas
NT side of gateway harbor. Where the big concerts are. Right where canal fest is.