Anyone ever go to grassy island in the Niagara river by the N G.I bridge?

If so please post I’m just trying to get a count for a future idea I’m really excited about

Yeah I was there a couple of weeks ago

yeah ive been there on my friends boat a couple times…

been there

all the time

I’ve yanked a few bass out of there. Thought it was called Grass Island.

Been there quite a few times.

One of my friends at work is there every single weekend boozing it up.

Goat island maybe?
I am not sure which one you are talking about though.

i heard the D.E.C. kicked everyone out of there for good. but back on topic: yeah ive been there.

They were there yesterday and they better not boot them.Maybe make them stay out out the grass part.The shallows should be safe tho.

----Anyways here is my plan that I’m so pumped about.
As many of you know I’m opening a pizzeria on G.I. in a few months.Also My house is on the water a little ways down from grass(grassy) island.Big white brick one that sits all by itself on the water.Beep and If I’m home I’ll pop out and have a beer or whatever.
Come next boating season, my buddy,who goes there every weekend will be taking orders out there and we will be providing a delivery service to the island!!!
You may call or find him(he’ll have signs on his boat) to order the food.Minimum order will be like 40-50 bucks,but shouldn’t be hard to come up w/ especially out there.When the food is ready and my driver leaves I call my buddy who proceeds to go to my docks and pick up the food.It will take about the same time for my driver by car as it does him by boat.Delivery fee will be $5 which I think is more then fair and I would expect him to get decent tips.
On a normal 80’ saturday in the summer,I’d say there are anywhere from 200 to 400 ppl there.Also you know gas prices are going to go down next summeras it is election time.
I’ll post more parts of this below.Don’t want the post to get too big.
Whatcha tink?

goddamn it


whenever im on my boat im like damn, i want some food.

but docking it and going to get said food is too much of a pita. So we usually just starve.

Granted im on lake ontario, but thats a good idea. Whether people will use it or not id debatable. I think a big thing with ppl on boats is bringing picnic type foods…

in guiness guys voices BRILLIANT!!!

that seems like a good idea… if i were out there i would probably order. most of the food that gets brought on a boat gets nasty after a few hours out there on a hot day, since most fridge/cooler space is occupied by beer.

Plus most ppl go out there early,have a few beers and then are like"man I’m getting hungry".What options do you have?Now you can get a delicious pizza,fresh subs and salads,hot and juicy fingers and wings,scrumptious appetizers all delivered to you while you and your friends relax on the water.LOL had to do that!!!Maybe a radio ad? Definitely will be at the marinas that will let me(they get a discount of course).All orders will come w/ a boat pack(plates,napkins,wet wipes,small garbage bag.)If you get a few 2 liters cups will be included.

You should be :snky: about it but get people more beer too…those who run out will love you!

hmmmmmmmm a person whose screen name is ‘officer’ wanted me to sell beer w/out a license?
That’s already taken care of by the boat guy whom happens to have room for 40 12 packs on his boat.I HAVE NOTHING TO DO W/ THAT THO.And will be HUGE
smokes as well.

its grass island yea, been there tons of times

been there this year a time or two brove by earlier in my boat no one was there

I go there all the time too.

I think it would be a really good idea. You should go to NT/Tona gateway harbor durning the concerts and pass out infromation to all the boaters.

I have been a dock hand there for 7 years, if you just give it me/the dock master there, we will pass it out for you. So many boaters there go to grass island, they all meet on sundays.

some ideas

dont set it up as “will deliver on orders of $50+”
set it up as “will deliver for one or more orders totaling $50+”
small difference, but would net you more sales, because of a lower “buy in” per person / group … someone might just want a small pizza, 2 goups of people order for 4 people each, guys on the other end of the island get a large and two 2 liters … $80+ sale despite the fact that no single bill was $50 … plus you get $4 delivery x 4

anytime you do a delivery on the island, ahve the delivery guy walk around passing out menues, announcing that there will be another deliver at XX oclock. this will sound like a deadline to people, and deadlines tend to motivate people. friends will ask each other if they want food, some people will say yes, youll once again have people calling in placing orders for the day

see if you can put up signs at the Marina’s that say “xxxx pizzaria delivers to grass island” in bold letters - someplace thats easy to see. make menues available in the main office of the marina, make sure the marina has a # that they will always be able to reach you at to restock on menues.