Anyone ever lived in the South, if so, where?


There was a public health ad campaign in DC subways maybe 2-3 years ago that said 1 in 20 DC residents (that’s actual District of Columbia only, dont freak out) have HIV. :shifty I looked around at the 20+ people in that subway car and tried to determine who had HIV. Then got myself tested to rule one of us out.

and then 5 out of those 20 have some form of herpes. :ponder

Got a text about a half hour ago that its snowing in tn right now lol

100% agreed, same thing here… except I technically lived there. I was born in Plant City which is the Tampa area. If it wasn’t for my entire family being here, I’d move there. I don’t even care about my job – I’ll find something. Waiting until my parents are ready to move and I’ll stop tethering myself to this state.

^^Plant City?? Are you a strawberry picker?? Lol.

I lived in Charlotte, NC for 3.5 years and moved to Boston this past May. Lived in Albany prior to that and grew up in Duanesburg…

Charlotte is great. CHEAP. Plenty of work, plenty to do, and its a quick 12 hour drive. If I were to do it again I would probably have moved to Raleigh, just because there’s more tech work and a some more going on. Plus it’s closer to the ocean.

I still own a house in Charlotte, and rent it out for a little extra income. Had I not moved there, I’m sure I would have never bought a house… NC is SO cheap to buy. My mortgage is $200 less then my HALF of the rent on a 2br apt here in Boston. Meh. Plus my property taxes are only $1500/year for EVERYTHING.

To back up IIya, the Tampa region is cool too. My family has owned a place in Clearwater for 25+ years and I’ve spent considerable time there. It’s a little pricey compared to NC/SC, but still cheaper then NY and you’re on the Gulf. +rep white sand beaches. Downside is being 16-18 hours away, if you’re going to drive… Which I’ve done at least a dozen times.

Bottom line is- IF you have all of your family and friends here, can you be that far away? It took the 3+ years for it to finally wear me down that all my good friends (and 99% of my family) are in NY and it sucked ass only getting to see them 3 or 4 days a year. As far as my family goes, the hardest thing was only seeing my grandparents once or twice a year, it got hard to swallow that they’re not getting any younger and in the time I didn’t see them, I could definitely notice them aging… Crazy.

I was offered a position in Boston and jumped on it just to get back up to the Northeast so I could become foursquare mayor of the mass pike and drive home every couple of weeks. I wouldn’t trade the opportunity to move to Boston for the world, but I certainly miss the cheaper cost of living and weather of the south.

My biggest piece of advice is, if you’re going to do it, just fucking do it. Don’t squawk about it and talk about how nice it could be. Just load your shit and go. Once you’re out there, its a lot easier to move around if you don’t like where you land. Get short term or month-to-month leases and go with what feels good. That’s the biggest take-away I have from my experience. Moving isn’t that big of a deal and you can acclimate to a new place in a month or two.

Yup. Glad I’m not there for that lol.

I was born and raised in Houston, TX for the first 7 years of my life and ultimately ended up moving with my familiy up to NY.

What I can remember about Houston was that it was always hot as balls, with lots of wildlife roaming about. I’ll never forget when I made the mistake of playing in a sand box which must of been used as a damn breeding ground for Fire Ants. Suffice to say, after spending the night in the emergency room due to the fact that I had an allergic reaction to the Fire Ants I didn’t play in any more sand boxes down there.

We also had sightings of Armadillo’s almost daily in our back yard, they seemed to be everywhere in Texas.

I contimplated moving shortly after graduating with my engineering degree from Clarkson. From my research it seems as if the engineering field as a whole has more positions available the more south you go, but as stated in the OP the wages are in some fields significantly lower. (Which understandably so wouldn’t matter, because some southern states have no state taxes, lower cost of living etc.)

I have lots of friends I went to school with at Clarkson University who decided to make a “big move” after college and ended up moving back home a year or two later.

Well Shift, I have received and accepted a Co-Op offer from a company in Georgia. I will be leaving sometime in the first week of January, so this is becoming real faster than I thought! I want to plan some kind of going away event before then so I can see all of you since I’ll likely be gone for 8-9 months.

Georgia. :rofl

Yup! I’m nervous but excited to put something on my resume to be proud of!

Where in GA?

The company HQ is in Lawrenceville, about 1/2 an hr east of Atlanta.

Congrats. Kick ass, take names.

Lawrenceville (city), Georgia

White persons, percent, 2010 (a) 48.0%
Black persons, percent, 2010 (a) 32.0%

good luck

good thing your going east not west, otherwise you’d be required by local law to own a 2wd chevy C10 with a double barrel shotgun on the rack.

Good shit!!! Congrats Nick!!

it is just a co-op, wtf is the big deal you will be there for a few months and get to make a decision on where you actually want to live after

Sounds like the best way to see how you like living there Haha

Thanks! I’m psyched that shits finally starting to happen for me!

Exactly the point of this whole thing! I’ll be there for at least 5 months (8 or 9 if a friend of mine winds up out here for the summer, but then I’ll be in North Carolina), so it will be an experiment to see how much I like it. I’m gonna miss everyone back here since some people will have graduated before I get back, so I’m making the most out of my last few weeks here this semester!