Anyone ever reframe a roof before?


Sounds like we’re all thinking the same thing, just confused terminology.

Myself, I just “structurally enhanced” my garage as well. The thing was built with no joists. The only thing keeping the roof from spreading was the strength of the block walls. Hence the block walls are cracking at the mortar joints.

It stood like that for 50 years without “a lot” of wall damage, so I grabbed 20 2x4x12’s and put in 10 joists, just joining them in the middle. I figure if it stood 50 years without any support, some scrawny joists oughta hold it for another 50. :gotme: Quick, cheap, easy, and effective. Now I’ve just got to find a day to spend repointing most of the mortar joints. :hang:

Well, I just got the quote for the trusses; $760 delivered for 9 trusses and 4 gable ends.

I’m probably just going to stick frame it for that price. I can get the wood, plus the Framing Nailer and part of a good Miter-Saw for that price.

Not to mention the time it’ll take me to lift and install the trusses, I can probably have the stick-framing done, or close to it.

Now I just gotta get some prints drawn up this winter so I can pull a permit come spring and get to work.