Anyone ever sue a city before?

People suggested that you are a retard and not to pursure this retarded train of thought, but you argued to try and prove your points. I’m sure that things seem like better ideas when you are high.

My lawyer has gotten me out of some trouble, but you already had a laywer from the getgo, so I’m sure you won’t be open to suggestions.


she sounds like a quality girl lol

actually, if afxtc can confirm that it was indeed him, it was these girls name caitlin and ashley, and on the same night she ganked the watch she was getting fucked in the ass by afxtc or one of his friends and she passed out and fell over in the middle of it…

if that wasnt you then my bad but she told me it was the kid with the IM DRUNK myspace back in the day.

dude i got yanked by a trooper on his high horse back when i smoked pot, he found 2 pipes, 1/8 of green, scale with lots of residue and a fake id. he originally pulled me over for speeding(78 in a 55). long story short, he found all my shit only after i opened my glove box and a pipe was in plain sight. i guess i knew i was fucked and just told him everything right off the start. he let me break my pipes, told me i could keep them if i wanted to. he stole my bag of weed, BASTARD! he put my scale back where he found it and proceeded to tell me how nice of a scale it was.

i got a ticket for speeding and posession of a fictional license. i got lucky, but after i was honest with him, he dropped the asshole cop skit and came down to my level. cops dont give a shit about weed, honestly. its when your a dick and act like you have something to prove/hide.

i would say just pay the fines and rub it off, yeah he may have hurt your ego, but the law>you everytime. tell them you learned your lesson and be smarter about your shit next time.

word. yo i wanna go boarding are they still open???

i think so, i quit that shit, i got hired a the pontiac dealership in ea detailing cars and im still slangin pizza pies. seriously though man, as much as i would love to see an “upstanding citizen”(i use that term loosly haha) as yourself take on the law, it just isnt going to happen. its them vs. you and all they want is your money, cuz thats what they are there for afterall. i learned my lesson, $1200 later, a suspended license, 6 points, 300$ bullshit driver assesment fee, and a giant boot shoved up my ass by the city of buffalo for a few days.


I also wanted to talk to you before I get too deep into this enlistment… imma give you a call over the next few days i got some ?s… im bout to pass out now tho… ill hit u up

word word, hit me up ill be around buffahoe.

hhahahahahahaa your thinking of the right person, just learn your stories first.

wayyyyyyyyyy off topic,
the actual story to this one is…
me and a few of my buddies just got home from DT, and my phone rang. I was talking to a girl named Ashley at the time she called asked for directions to my apartment and ended up coming over. When her and her friend got there lol def was the wrong girl, they didn’t care they ended up going down on each other in front of us then passed out and the one girl pissed herself.

not gunna mention other names, but other people at my place are on the board if they wana chime in lol.
Hands down one of the funniest nights in my life:crap:

BTW I don’t have an attitude i’m just telling you the truth, so keep the watch if it makes you feel better <3
and anyway that was like 3 years ago, ugh I miss college life so much random fucked up shit happened during it…

and actually yes all the time, generally speaking anytime I take employees out for training/ team building events we end up drinking. As long as you keep it to a limit you can still learn while drinking.

any more questions?

that’s really funny because the post above your one proves you wrong.

quoted law > “guessing” or whatever you did.

that’s what I was expecting

HOLY SHIT LOLLLOOOLLL I have about 20 stories that are the same for these girls… best one I think was when the girl (the one that passed out mid-ass penetration) came out to the falls cuz we were having a rave… was so drunk she, yes pissed herself cuz she does that shit all the time. we were all rolling face, she lays in the middle of the floor pulls up her little dress to reveal her lack of underwear, and begins fucking herself right there. amazing nights with these chicks, but going to the clinic to get my balls checked every time i touched one of them got old LOLOL

and no for real u can have that watch back its been sitting in my drawer for years LOL its a gigantic brown Guess watch. I won’t lie I never wanted to give it back because you used to try and fuck my ex (Leslie) and back then, I gave a shit about that kind of thing. Taking you back a few years here or what lol

How did that quote me wrong. Because I didnt go to my CPL book and I said it in plain english so you wouldnt have to break down any jargon. How does what he said make me wrong? If you want court cases stating an officers right to ask someone out of the vehicle then here:

In Pennsylvania vs. Mimms (434 US 106; 1977) the United States Supreme Court considered the following question:
Can police officers order drivers out of vehicles during traffic stops without violating {the driver’s} 4th Amendment Right – freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures?
Ultimately, the Court said officers CAN order drivers out during vehicle stops. In 1997, the US Supreme Court heard arguments on a related case - Maryland vs. Wilson. The Court was asked to review its 1977 Mimms decision (i.e., determine if the law could be applied to passengers inside vehicles). In summary, the Court said:
‘Officers can order drivers AND passengers to exit vehicles during traffic stops. Traffic stops are dangerous. Passengers only increase this level of danger. In the interest of public safety, the inconvenience placed on passengers or drivers - when asked to step out of a car - is minimal and therefore justified.’

I was a cop for 4 years. When people were honest and nice to me I was nice to them and gave them breaks. When Someone lied to me or acted like a dick, I would charge them with everything I could find.

Interested in hearing why you were only a cop for four years.:deadhorse2:v.did you make someone get out of their car find drugs and arrest them then lose your job for it?

ps Mike now that I know who you are i’m only playin<3
no but really did you?

No I quit. I was a seasonal deputy for Monroe county and worked from May to October each year. My full time job is a high school technology teacher. It was getting to be too many hours away from my family doing both jobs. I realized how much less work I did teaching and how much more money I would make teaching so I decide to stay with teaching.
Summers off > working overnight, weekends, and holidays.

No response huh???

haha, ahhh the Monroe County Sheriffs. So many memories, so many piss drunk cops asking me to fetch them drinks. Or using their forensics cameras to take fucked up pictures. Or teaching me how to shoot using police issue 9mm and stolen range ammo.

Gotta love those silly fucks

yea dude ur right. cops can ask you to exit the vehicle, and as long as they dont say they smell drugs or figure out you are in fact on drugs, they cant just rip your car apart for an hour cuz they feel like it.

having you and your passenger exit and wait behind the vehicle so he feels comfortable and not threatened is a huge difference from him asking you to get out and ripping through your car like he hes a warrant.

You do not need a warrant to search a car. What that court case is saying is the officer CAN ask you to step out of your car, and when you are told to do so, you do it, no if ands or buts about. But like I said before he has to have some sort of reasonable suspicion to search your car, and all the officer would have to do is say he smelled weed, in which he did find some on the floor so he would of been justified. Its his word against yours especially if he is respected in the legal system. No one would have a leg to stand on against someone well respected and are not known for lying in the legal system. But anywho, my no response huh was directed at theblue for saying I was wrong. Glad you took care of everything tho.