Anyone ever sue a city before?


True because a cop can search you for weapons.

i’d lol if one of the guys that u are pissing off right now are on the jury.

I’m sure the attorney will plead for a non jury trial.

how did I miss this thread? :lol:

havent you had alot of illegal drug problems in the passed? good luck. personally i would not sue the town. i would let my charges get dismissed and be done with it. you sue the town you are going to be looking at alot of lawyer fees and a long drawn out trial. not worth it imo.

“Against this important interest we are asked to weigh the intrusion into the driver’s personal liberty occasioned not by the initial stop of the vehicle, which was admittedly justified, but by the order to get out of the car. We think this additional intrusion can only be described as de minimis. The driver is being asked to expose to view very little more of his person than is already exposed. The police have already lawfully decided that the driver shall be briefly detained; the only question is whether he shall spend that period sitting in the driver’s seat of his car or standing alongside it. Not only is the insistence of the police on the latter choice not a “serious intrusion upon the sanctity of the person,” but it hardly rises to the level of a “petty indignity.'” Terry v. Ohio, supra, at 17. What is at most a mere inconvenience cannot prevail when balanced against legitimate concerns for the officer’s safety.” Pennsylvania v. Mimms, 434 U.S. 106 (1977)

Once an officer conducts a stop of a vehicle, the officer may also require the stopped motorist and even the passengers in the vehicle to leave the car. See also: Maryland v. Wilson, 519 U.S. 408 (1997)

look at the post above yours!!!

not at all… only other case I was involved with got dropped completely. My lawyer already did his thing and after my charges are taken care of there will be no civil suit against the city. The only reason it would have happened in the first place is if they were going to be dick heads about a whole separate undisclosed part of the incident. I appreciate the little advice people gave me, and enjoyed all the fairy tale speculation… thanks.

lol so you had another case too? heres an idea, stop doing illegal things :gotme:

^^^^ best advice yet!

or why don’t you keep drugs out of the car at least and get high at home?

you’re going away to the military and want to pursue a trial? :bloated:

holy fucking :deadhorse:

im joining the military, that clean enough for you?

Shut The Fuck Up

k thanks,
if you want to do shit thats illegal, be ready to pay for it if your caught.

BTW ever get anything important accomplished while your high?
Not that I have anything against blazing because I did it all through high school, you just get NOTHING accomplished. Then I decided I needed to grow up and be responsible therefore keeping my career at a phenomenal progress rate.

clif’s you picked up some buds from a dealer, got high, ohh and then you got high again laughed about how cool it was driving while high, pulled over, cop asked if you were high he said license and registration then went back to his car, you laughed about how much of an idiot it was because you got high and are still high and he doesn’t know, he decided you were high because he smelled it and laughed and how retarded you looked with a huge smile on your face, asked you to get out of the car because he was “being an asshole” and you got arrested, and now it’s the citys fault one of their finest was doing his job.

thanks for playing, spin the wheel again hopefully you got an acd for the last charges and they are all brought back and you realize ohh maybe it actually was ILLEGAL and deserved this.

ohh and your an idiot:gotme:

(once again I have nothing against blazing, just if you wana do it be ready to take the shit from doing it)


instead, ill be leaving as soon as I fucking can and actually do something with myself.

lol word well I have a watch of yours this bitch stole from you and gave to me. id give it back if u lost the attitude.

and your cliffs arent even close…? I hadnt smoked in over a day when I got pulled over. you just made up another story, while talking shit to me when I mentioned the large amount of randoms (like yourself) in here were making up stories to begin with.

Did you ever get anything accomplished while you were drunk either ? Didnt think so.

but did they find somthing in your car?

If the officer said he thought you were under the influence because your eyes looked “glassy” there is his probable cause to search your car right there, its his discretion to give you sobriety tests or not. Also what was so illegal to his search of the vehicle?

I find it amusing that you come on here to ask for advice, yet you already had your mind made up on what you wanted to do. Now you’re getting really pissed that people are voicing their opinion.

wow, maybe everyone should go read the first post, very first line.

I was asking about other peoples similar experiences with this type of situation. NOT to discuss when its legal for a cop to search the car. If I wanted everyone to discuss that for 7 pages, I would have titled this “WAS THIS AN ILLEGAL SEARCH?” and gave the full story.

im confused as to why this is so confusing for so many of you oh my dear lord.