anyone familier with dodge steath's??

You just went from cheap DD to project.
Wasn’t the whole point to stay within a small budget and be done with it as you said?

actually im tyring to find a white V6 camaro for a DD lol. Those 3.8’s are bullet proof.


I mean buy this car for cheap (he said hes very very flexable on price, I could get it for 600) throw it in the barn until next spring and start gutting it

in the mean time find a cheap reliable DD as well. I got money to play with, Im just a cheap bastard lol


Fair enough then.

Drew I know where you can get a badass reliable 04 accord for cheap?!?!

cheap + 8500 cash :lol

i would no doubt warm the car up. its nothing to do with pistons but like you said drew, valve srpings like that, when they are cold and ran can break.

i did. 187k miles and still going strong.:number1

My olds is rocking the 3.8, nice motor. The early 90’s 3.3L buick/olds motor was just as good if not better than the 3.8L

cheap = relative. lol

no on the vw

dont get me wrong… the car itself is a typical gm… shitty quality, pile of garbage, but the motor runs strong and gets me from A to B reliably with good heat, power everything and gets 25mpg

If you have to ask, you don’t want it. If the car is a really good deal, you like it, and are handy, go for it assuming the car isn’t beat.

The problem is that it’s hard to work and are notoriously beaten due to the cheap availability.


everyone saying that you dont need to warm the car up has NO experience or knowledge behind big cam, dual valve spring cars. When they are cold, dual valve springs such as mine that handle up to a .660 lift are brittle when cold. 9 times out of 10, when a valve spring breaks its because it was horsed with when they were cold/brittle.

yah, I already came to the conclusion im going to stay away from it.

The car gets a really bad rap to be honest. If it wasn’t for the difficulty in working on it (which is MUCH easier than a 3/S TT), I’d recommend it. It’s a nice sporty car for the money.

you can get an mk3 tdi jetta with 220,000 for about 2500.

or an mk2 diesel jetta for a grand or less

i might be selling my maxima soon, 2500 if you want it, reliable as hell, needs nothing if you are interested let me know

Do it…

yup. my celica just rolled 195K this morning. runs like a champ. slow, but a champ none the less. 31-32mpg all day everyday(on the old sparkplugs that were about 5 years old and well worn)