Anyone from here? (716 Racing) *Now with moar AK47*

Well technically my car is “gray” and MX23 doesn’t have a silver miata. :wink:

Well then…

My apologies

you realize your paint name is SILVERstone metallic right?

That escalated quickly

Meh, they’re are nicer car clubs, automotively speaking. But this is badass. I would like to own a fast car one day.

Rumor on the streets is that a certain BMW is the world record holder of jams. Mid 700 jams.

700’s huh… I need to bring my junk out for some fun.

Not my video btw I just rehosted it off facebook

The weekly Meet at Tims on Niagara street from last night…There was a fight then someone pulled out a AK and fired shots into the air :tup: :tup:

So gangster.

Fuck these guys.

nice meats

Classy bunch. Need to get them more involved with our activities.


Pretty sure any single one of my cars would cost more than their entire meet put together. Classy as fuck.


And folks wonder why we started gravitating towards Home Depot runs.

Actually a pretty nice little Saturday, we’re going to go to Home Depot. buy some wallpaper, maybe get some flooring, stuff like that. Maybe Bed, Bath, & Beyond, I don’t know if we’ll have enough time

I like what you did there!

I’ve got a big day tomorrow, you guys have a great time!

Is there any backstory on the gunshots after the fight? Did anyone actually get shot or did some " G thug" just shoot their gun in the air?